Black_Knyght said:
Okay, is it just me or is this insane?
ILLEGAL immigrants, using our LEGAL system, file a lawsuit to punish a company for not handling their ILLEGAL employment better.....!?!?!?
Illegal immigrants sue Wendy's
If Wendy's broke the law then they should pay. Being illegal employee or immigrant, doesn't give a company the right to treat people like slaves.
I support any ones choice to work for a living, however I feel that legal immigration is the right way. When people come here illegally and then often are given the mistaken right to vote, and those votes, in the tens of thousands, do fraudulently effect the out come of legitimate elections. They cheat legal Americans out of their right to free un-tampered elections. They tap our welfare system and health care providers from billions each year that only end up increasing health care costs and taxes. While I believe everyone should have access to health care, especially children, I feel that regardless of our a person legal standing as a citizen they should be treated, helped, but then sent back to the country they came from. The illegal immigration is cheating the immigration system and slowing the process for those who want to live and immigrate here legally.
Prove to the people who want to live here that if they follow the rules they win. However, if they take the short cut and sneak into the US we will eventually catch them and then they will be sent back to their home nation. While there is no legal penalty past being deported for illegally entering this country, there should be a punishment that enforces the law to the degree that if you illegally enter this nation you will pay for that crime. However what that punishment would be and then implementing it would cost billions and be no more affective in the end than the current system. So what are we left with? We have millions of people who want to come here to make a living, to better the of their families and themselves. No one can blame them for that. And no one should.
However legal immigration should be the way that is done. So the only effective method for slowing the flow would be to make it very expensive, even to the degree of prison time, to any employer who hires an illegal immigrant too work. Eventually no company or farmer would risk it and the word will get back to those who want to sneak in that not only will they not find a job, but also they will be caught and deported. (If they repeat the offense then perhaps jail time.)
People have the right to want to live and make their lives better. God only knows that as the third largest nation in the world now, the US can certainly do more to help those who really need our help than we have in the past.
I will even bet that if we gave the opportunity for Afghan and Pakistan refugees to come here and live, even though they hate us, they would come. They would come because they know that a life in the US is far better than the life they would have otherwise.
As to Mexican illegal immigration, well Mexico has to step up to bat as well. We all know that the Mexican government wants as many illegal immigrants in the US as they can force across the boarder. They want this to effect election out comes, to burden the US economically, and to send a message, "hey it was our land before it was yours and we want it back!"
If Mexico’s economy was better, and God knows it should be, then those people who would otherwise come here, would instead remain home and make a life for themselves in their own nation. Tell the Mexican government to get off their lazy asses, end the corruption, get it into gear, and do the right thing for their own people and nation.
Until the system is addressed, all those illegal immigrants that are working here in the US, make them PAY TAXES!
We might not be able to stop the flow of illegal immigration, but we can at least make damn sure those working pay their fair share of taxes to help pay for the services for those who don't or can't work.
Edit: Corrected Spelling added content.