
November 21st, 2006, 02:38 PM
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Re: Academy of War -- Enter for Training ?!?!
mivayan said:
Arralen said:
All units, except mindless ones, get:
1 exp per turn
+1 exp for participating in a battle
+3 exp for winning a battle
+1 exp per unit killed in melee combat
Kristoffer O posted January 27, 2004 17:41
Not +1 for killing, but +1 for hitting an enemy.
No xp for killing? Doesn't sound right.
No more than for hurting him. If a lone Jotun Axeman killed an unconscious Dragon, he'd get in LOTS of hits, and got 1 point of exp from each.
Hitsw = exp work for melee, and I can understand why ranged units would get experience more slowly than others, but what about trampling? Does it still have attacks?

November 22nd, 2006, 12:11 AM
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Re: Academy of War -- Enter for Training ?!?!
Is 5 stars the most you can get beyond which you cannot advance any more in stars?
Also, I wish there were hit points increases with each star. It would help out human thugs immensely.

November 22nd, 2006, 12:16 AM
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Re: Academy of War -- Enter for Training ?!?!
Also, if the experience increase that Arralen quoted when entering the Academy of War (and when fighting a battle) correct, then it seems almost useless. That is, if the Academy of War only gives you 4 experience points, it almost always makes sense to fight a battle instead, because 4 experience points are the minimum you are guaranteed if you win.

November 22nd, 2006, 12:34 AM
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Five stars max.
There's no experience level above that.
Mind you, if you're a non-pretender commander in the HoF, you benefit from maintaining enough kills, experience and/or deaths to remain there -- your heroic ability gets stronger so long as you're in the HoF. It stops improving if you no longer qualify.
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November 22nd, 2006, 12:45 AM
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Re: Five stars max.
Thanks for the clarification. It's been aeons since I last played Dom II, and the Demo of Dom III doesn't last long enough for me to easily catch those factors! 

November 22nd, 2006, 12:42 AM
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Re: Academy of War -- Enter for Training ?!?!
Epaminondas said:
Also, if the experience increase that Arralen quoted when entering the Academy of War (and when fighting a battle) correct, then it seems almost useless. That is, if the Academy of War only gives you 4 experience points, it almost always makes sense to fight a battle instead, because 4 experience points are the minimum you are guaranteed if you win.
Except that usually when you fight a battle you take casualties. With the Academy you can park a commander with 120 (or more) units in the province until all 120 have 2 or 3 experience stars before ever going into battle.
Of course, I don't think that experience does enough to make worrying about it worthwhile. Increases in attack/defense are marginal at best - the only things that really seem to benefit is morale and possibly missile troops that start with at least average accuracy.
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November 22nd, 2006, 12:49 AM
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Re: Academy of War -- Enter for Training ?!?!
Level 3 is 25 turns! That's a long time to park your commander and troops.
As for the casualty issue, I guess I tend to take less casualties since I tend to build prefer elite, durable units. (My favorite nation in Dom II was Jotunheim with the Niefel giants theme.) Also, I am concerned more for the experience acquisition for commanders than the regular units--who are ultimately all fodder. And commanders, esp. AoE spammers, will benefit far more from fighting battles.
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