Re: SP late game boredom?
SE IV did get tedious if you were an extreme long-term maximizer (like building atmosphere converters on all domed worlds, converting to Monolith IIIs, ensuring per-planet and per-system computer facilities...) but yah, you could set it up so that the end game didn't have as much micro, like using finite resources (Anacreon-style... well, in Anacreon, it's even worse because you run out of trillum and that's used to both build and FUEL your ships) or tweak the tech tree.
Ex: mod away System Gravitational Shields and let the Stellar Manipulation technologies do their work.
As for late-game D3, if it's essentially won, I might merely hit 'enter' for a few turns (if it looks like dominion kill is going to happen), or I might ignore micromanagement and start running strange experiments (GoR'd mindless summons, insanely-equipped assassins, collecting all the elemental royalty, cloning enemy pretender types with Wish, basically playing around with items/magic I normally deem too risky, silly or expensive).
Are we insane yet? Are we insane yet? Aiiieeeeee...