"About India's upgrade of the
ZSU-23-4 Schilka, I did use the words
"I can refer to..." it makes Don's life a lot easier if I can find if you will a
"baseline" unit from which to work from since, we will
never truly know the full extent of or the
technical issues involved in many of the upgrades involved on a certain piece of equipment so history helps. In this case a Russian upgraded unit of the same type provides us with that
"baseline" from which when I submit this Indian
ZSU-23-4 Schilka it'll be easier to address any further enhancements to said unit within acceptable game parameters."
Unaltered from the
SPA/SPAA Thread Post #66. Trust me I know the limitations of the data because of it and as I had my own issues over the last couple of years, I was just as happy/relieved there was no deadline this year as well, though I
REALLY wish it wasn't for the reasons Andy and Don needed the break as well. Some equipment might take hours of research and preparation and many have taken years to develop for submission and I can't count the follow up after submissions that's been submitted in regards to status or revision due to modifications etc. etc. The Threads I try to keep up with are littered with them.
That should have read
330m not 330mm.
The first pages do read this data is from the field manuals and the WEG is designed as a quick reference guide which when finally released to the public is I agree a very useful tool for people like me, you game designers etc. etc. but even with it I WOULDN'T use it as as single source document
only "DID" can do that as it's a multi-sourced document and I only have done it rarely when I've or others have already posted on the topic at hand.
It's not always fun, easy or any other term you wish to use and sometimes I ask myself why but, I keep coming back to it anyway I do know why though and I know maybe five others out do as well, but for now I take it one day at a time and when I really get ready depending on what else is happening, one piece of equipment at a time.