It is very odd to see a bunch of people on a computer game forum condemning people for having things which are "unnecessary" & "meaningless". I'll just assume everyone saying that needs a computer and an internet connection as a life and death part of their work, shall I?
You had to be introduced, and you had to be of similar social status.
Yeah, it was awesome back when everyone knew their place.
To put it simply, solitude is a necessity just as communication is. And telephones, by their nature, make it hard to ignore them - The call could always be important.
Mine comes with an "off" button.
To me Democracy is an outdated ancient greek ideal as abhorent as pederasty (Men and boys). The idea of having two major parties trying to curry favour, promising citizens little gifts so as to buy their vote instead of doing what is necessary is stupid. You have the party in office and the other is reduced to either doing the opposite of what the governemnt says because they're the "opposition" and so therefore must promise the opposite, or they claim "bipartisanship" because they know the topic at hand is dear to the public and would lose them votes otherwise.
Well, that is actually the modern take on democracy, not the Greek one. The Greek system was much closer to what we'd describe today as direct democracy. Of course, the Greek city states were very small and the population in antiquity was very low compared to today (and the population of citizens even smaller), so the ancient greek system is probably no longer practical.
It's very easy to just say that government should "do what is necessary", but it's not anywhere near as simple as that. People have different ideas about what is necessary and what is desirable.