PBW: SEV shipsets
When you upload your empire for a PBW game, there is an option to select the shipset used by your empire. That feature does not yet work correctly for SE5 games. To avoid confusion I have now removed "Shipset Used:" option from the upload empire page for SE5 games. You will still have the option for SE4 games.
I am working on the code changes needed for this to work for SE5 games, but I can't say how long it will take. In the mean time, you can share your shipset choice with the other players by making a post in the game forum or by some other method. The Shipset used isn't necessary for PBW to function, and in fact isn't used at all by PBW. It's simply there as a convenience for the other players to avoid duplicate empire setups.
In SE5, unlike with SE4, the shipset used by the player must be on the server for the turn to process correctly. This has been a major source of frustration and we are still struggling to come up with a method for dealing with this that is not a major headache for the admins.
The shipsets listed in the file library titled "SEV PBW Supported Shipsets" are all the shipsets that we currently have loaded on the server and you should be able to use any of them in PBW games safely. It includes the Stock shipsets and many of the currently available custom shipsets for SE5. On this page I have added preview images for the shipsets since there is not a convenient way in the game to tell even the shipset that you have chosen for your own empire.
Players are free to upload custom shipsets to the File Library titled "SEV Shipsets", however this does nothing to make them actually be supported for games on PBW. It's simply a place to make them available to other players to download. If you have a shipset you would like us to support for play on PBW, you need to let us know so we can put it on the server and add it to the "SEV PBW Supported Shipsets” list. Only admins can add new shipsets to this page, because of the additional setup we have to do on the server.
Hope that clears things up. Stay tuned for more updates in the future.
I used to be somebody but now I am somebody else
Who I'll be tomorrow is anybody's guess