Era: Late
Map: King of the Hill (50 vp).
Mods: cCBM
Ulmish Civil War
llamachris banners.
Victory: 3 capitals held 3 turns, or 50 vp.
Rules: Each faction will be named after an Ulmish count (aka Player).
A. *no diplomacy game*. Purely mano-a-mano, no holds bared vampiric fury. Ie., please no coordinating with other players, no trading. This is a game to test the might of your ideas, not the suaveness of your social skills =)
B. No fort on VP province.
Ok. Things I didn't do: I didn't restrict pretenders. And I gave ulm a 25% production bonus - can some one tell me what the LA-Ulm bonus is?
Also, you are going to have to rename the mods to whatever llama requires.
BlackChris (LA-Ulm): Chris Pedersen
CountVonTolkien (LA-Ulm): Tolkien
SteurmMithras (LA-Ulm): Mithras
Count Szendrey (LA-Ulm): JimMorrison
PrinceLaveare (LA-Ulm): Laveare
AdjuctantDedas (LA-Ulm): Dedas (Pending..... )