Setup: Early Age, all nations, Llamaserver PBEM
Game settings: Default for EA, except for
Renaming On,
Hall of Fame=15, and
Difficult Research
Mods: CBM 1.41 and
Standards & Streamers (available at these links)
Victory: "There can only be one." - Dominions 3 Manual, back cover
Diplomacy: "All's fair in love and war." - some creepy rapist
[Note to new players: this means that Non-Aggression Pacts (NAPs), which are very common in MP games, may be broken without affecting a player's out-of-game reputation. In other words, if your pretender is a lying backstabber, feel free to lie and backstab; nobody will hold it agaist you in other MP games. Though the players in this game may think twice about dealing with your underhanded pretender. Also, think carefully before entering into any NAP/alliance; they tend to benefit strong nations more than weak nations.]
Map: PlanetRorschach v4, a 375 province 3D spherical map I made.
Details here.
A modified version of a hosting scheme I proposed in
this post. Key points:
- In general, the game will run on a
27hr quickhost.
- The game will change to a 51hr quickhost only when a majority of players vote to do so. Same goes for 75hr, etc.
- During major "traveling" holidays, when most go to visit with family, hosting will be postponed during the travel period, and quickhost will be turned off.
- Reasonable extensions will be granted upon request with sufficient notice.
- When you feel the game timer should be permanently extended, post a notice in this thread. If another player "seconds" your motion, a vote will be held. The current turn timer will be immediately extended by 24hrs (to prevent turn-specific influence), and the admin will send an email to all players announcing the vote. All active players will then vote to either (A) Permanently extend the game timer, (B) Keep the game timer as-is, or (C) Abstain.
Quorum shall be 75% of ACTIVE players. Majority vote wins. Should a vote fail, no further vote shall be held for 3 turns.
Game Status: Running on 27hr Quickhost
Llamaserver status link
Upcoming Game Delays: none
Abysia - Dragar
Agartha - Bluff
Arcoscephale - GrudgeBringer
Atlantis - Isokron
Caelum - cleveland
C'tis - Fakeymcfake
Ermor - Revolution
Fomoria - fungalreason
Helheim - Aethyr
Hinnom - KIM
Kailasa - Hadrian_II
Lanka - Juffos
Marverni - Starshine_Monarch
Mictlan - Quitti
Niefelheim - Alpine Joe
Oceania - stattis
Pangaea - Jarkko
R'lyeh - Zapmeister
Sauromatia - Incabulos
T'ien Ch'i - chrispedersen
Tir na n'Og - hEad
Ulm - Ossa
Vanheim - otthegreat
Yomi - Lavaere