Re: Monster SCENARIO Project
My apologies ahead of time to the DIY crowd. Some stray thoughts on the subject of modding events which has come up again. I guess Im supposed to just make notes on my own computer but Id rather keep public notes in case someone else wants to go with it.
ANYWAY what I was thinking was this....
Most of the events come as messages. Some nice story-line text along with a gift of some sort.
The messages could be easily duplicated by having an admin-run nation in the game (such as the Watchers mod I created) to send them. But it wouldnt be very random that way. Especially for solo play.
But the program AutoHotKey can duplicate the action of typing in a message and sending items. Ive already used it in some Dom3 situations to program long actions to a hot key such as WindowsKey-A or MetaKey-B. But it doesnt have to be a keypress. It can be a playback recording of all mouse movements, clicks, and keyboard typing. Im thinking that an external program could be written to randomly decide each turn to run one of the playbacks.
Besides the usual fairs and merchant gifts and pirate ships, we could expand also. I think that one of the spells that summon an attack group to a far province uses fairly unique units that are not purchasable by others. That means that the mod could keep changing the units between attacks. But Im thinking this would only work for solo play or mp players would have to receive a copy of the new mod each turn.
Some things can be gotten from game logs and used as events. Such as a message saying that a wandering merchant brings a tale of a great fight in xxxxxx province between xxxxx and xxxxxx. Or maybe that the merchant was part of a caravan delivering a gift of xxxxxx sent from one player to another.