Re: The Gift of Kurgi - is it useful?
It is an exceptionally useful SC and thug item.
To mangle an old joke, people who worry about the insanity should have their heads examined, and people who worry about the horrors it attracts aren't kitting out the SC or thug right.
Explanation for the latter: either you kit out your Kurgi SC with very good equipment that is capable of taking out the vast majority of horrors, which isn't all that hard to do with a SC chassis, or you kit out a disposable SC or thug with mediocre equipment, and the potential loss of the minor investment in blood slaves and gems for ordinary equipment to a horror attack is peanuts compared to the benefits proper use of the SC or thug is likely to reap you.
And yes, it sucks when your expensively kitted out Gift of Kurgi SC gets lost in the planes, but that happens rarely and the life expectancy of any SC or thug on active duty is nothing to write home about in the first place, so it isn't as if this small additional risk significantly affects how much use you should expect to get out of it.
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.