Originally Posted by Suhiir
I've found that if you plot an airstrike within around 10 hexes (500m) of your own units it almost always winds up being blue-on-blue. From what I've gathered aircraft attack the first unit they spot within a radius of the target location you give them. And guess what, your own units are spotted!
Yuppy-wup. In retrospect ALL blowbacks were my own fault. In the first case (Scen #203) the engineer tank was knocked out by carelessly targeting the strike within 20 hexes of my guys (see Andy's comments in the links below). The LAV-7s were hit when I didn't check on entrance-exit hexes and the AI changed them on its own, so the LAVs were the first thing the fighter-bomber jocks saw. Better check them flightpaths every turn!
In the second case, not only did I violate Andy's 20-hex rule, I neglected to turn OFF the anti-armor Paveway, since I was attacking an infantry unit, and in a senior moment thought the Paveway was just another gravity bomb (not!)
. This game punishes human error with a vengeance, just like on real battlefields.