I d'like to add some research about
PZL P-X Puławski fighter series especially in outside Poland service. Most of the icons already existing inside game so was necessary just to add small number of them and some pictures. I also add research OOB for tests.
Just the new icons without this already inside game
early prototypes like
PZL P-7 prototypes
PZL P-11 prototype
There is also
PZL P-11a which was manufactured in number aroud 30 and was a somothing like hybrid between P-7a&P-11c has P-7a parts of hull but engine like P-11.
P-11g Kobuz was an interim fighter build in spring of 1939 P-11c hull and wings. Engine which was stocked for PZL P-50 Jastrząb and because problems with this new fighter prototype In spring 1939 was made decision to produce this hybrids. Manufacturing started but they were not finished until september 1939. Only one was completed and used in fights 11 September 1939. Rest of the series uncompleted were lost. Propably Germans when captured PZL factory send them to scrap.
PZL P-24 protoptypes which was base for export aircraft in factory until 1939.
P-24bis prototype with french 20mm guns sold to Abisynia (modern Ethiopia in 1936) as legend said was moust modern aircraft which they have during war against Italy.
PZL P-24F & H & J were models proposed by PZL for polish airforce in late 30th with french engines never acepted by Military aviation to serial production. Because there were concept of moder fighter P-50 Jastrząb. Shortly before war in summer PZL
was asked for manufacture P-24J for Poland but was alredy too late to start production.
Bigest user of polish aircraft before war they buy in Poland PZL P-11b and PZL P-24E. Manufactured their own IAR P-11f and IAR P-24E and their enginers based on P-24 license and parts designed their own IAR-80 ultimate evolution of P-X planes line.
As a neutral country in 1939 they interned many Polish aircraft from 1939 and used them in their AF during war.
PZL P-7a polish interned they were quite obsolete used as a trainers and strafing
- ground atack in early Barbarossa around Odessa and in Besarabia then after 1941 only as trainers
PZL P-11a also polish interned used in ground atack role like P-7a then relegated to training only
PZL P-11b their own obsolete aircraft used together with P-7a&P-11a then after 1941 only for training
IAR P-11f romunian manufactured aircraft equal to P-11c with french engine used as fighter and ground atack role in Barbarossa
and then on Crimea until half of 1942 then relegated as trainer and taken back in 1944 to active duty
during Romania homeland defense again in ground atack role.
PZL P-11c polish interned aircrafts they were used together with P-11f last time in desperate defense in 1944
PZL P-24E & IAR P-24E Romania buy them as a aircraft which was a base for construction of their own IAR-80
and as a interim fighter. They were in use until half of 1942 in southern Ukraine and Crimea. Then relegated to training
and taken back to defend Romania in 1944.
Has one
P-11a interned and shortly used in their AF then relegated as gilder tug
The have captured on Dęblin airfield around 10
P-7a intact which they used in their training school. Itrestingly they haven't taken any number of P-11 because they were wreckage or escaped to neutral countries. So they only have one
P-11c in museum in Berlin
Soviet Union
They captured a small number of
P-11c and
P-7a more than one piece but propably not more than 10 they also captured in 1940 this which were interned in Latvia 1939. Because type was not intresting for research old aircraft they were used as trainers untill barbarossa when were lost.
They buy aircraft from Poland three models
PZL P-24A &C&G they also buy license and manufactured them in factory TFK used as a fighters until 1943 then as a trainers. They still have 2 of them in museum. Model C is intresting because was only P-24 with 20mm guns which has also bombs.
They buy in Poland aircrafts in variants
PZL P-24A &F &G they were in silver natural finish until Italian agresion in November 1940
Then repainted in camo. Around February 1941 there were lack of ammo and spare parts for french 20mm guns so F variant start to be rearmed to 4x 7.92mm MG
Also around that times Greek roundels was painted by camo on top of wings like in soviet war camo schematics. Last working Greek fighter were evacuated to Alexandria from Crete when island fall.
They buy in Poland aircraft
PZL P-24B &F last delivered in August 1939 with 20mm canons used until summer 1944 in last years as a trainers when they were totally obsolete. Saw some combat aginst comunist partisants in 1944 in ground atack role. Never used against American bombers in 1944 were then too slow.
One Prototype
P-24bis sold to this country 1936 legends say that were used then as fighter and ground-atack role during war with Italian and there lost. Italian did not capture any P-24. Poland also has good international relations with Italy before war so is possible that such transaction was kept secret.