
August 10th, 2004, 06:08 PM
Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
As long as you do not misrepresent I find some omitting fine, especially for large texts. It is a better to err toward caution in this respect though.
That is exactly the reason that the person would want to omit or otherwise out of place put a statement as if applied to a directly different statement or feeling. Like taking a quote about say "This is the best game ever!" from 'Blizzard Executives' and applying it to Dom2. While they did say that one particular statement, it wasn't in regard what it was directed or USED to express a pov at (case in point, the Email quote in question).
Like I said, I don't think it's the absolutely most horrible thing in the world to do (though others feel this is tantamount to lying) and there is even a specific Flamer (from that one webpage) regarding it. I believe that it would be better to err on the side of honesty and not distortion or even worse, misrepresentation.
This was the very context I was aiming at. Publishing emails are mostly ok, publishing IRC logs from public channels certainly are. I will defend this any time (that was supposed to be a joke about honesty).
Honestly! Such jokes!

August 10th, 2004, 07:52 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
And once again Stormbinder displayed _his_ glaring lack of ethics / common courtesy, quoting a private email publicly
To the point of sending harassing private Messages, asking if I have the "guts" to say I'm sorry to Stormvomit, after having been told I didn't want private Messages from him.
you have a tendency to be hypocritical
Do I? Perhaps, but not in this case. Stormbinder has _NO_ reasonable expectation of privacy when sending Messages to me, as I had (at least a month or two ago) told him to not send me private Messages again.
He started again. I'm not quoting a confidential correspondence - I'm paraphrasing a harassing message. Perhaps you can't see the difference, though?
And once again Stormbinder displayed _his_ glaring lack of ethics / common courtesy, quoting a private email publicly
To the point of sending harassing private Messages, asking if I have the "guts" to say I'm sorry to Stormvomit, after having been told I didn't want private Messages from him.
To Cainehill: Just to bring the matter to the conclusion between us, now that the saga with Norfleet is over, I've decided to respond to your post, instead of just ignoring you us I usually did in the past. I do it mostly to prevent you from trying to smear my name and distort the facts to the people who may not be aware of them.
I am sorry to say, but what you wrote is simply untrue.
After the Norfleet's cheating was recently exposed to the public, I send you a brief message, asking you if you are willing to admit that you was wrong, when for the past 5 monthes you repeatedly insulted me on various Boards and zealosly defended Norfleet, when I was saying that Norfeet is a cheater. I did it because I wanted the matter to be settled between us and so we both could move on, now that the trutt was in the open. The message was very brief and I didn't insult you or call you names.
You have responded with message full of insults and profanity.
As for my "harassing Messages" to you - I have no idea what you are talking about. I even specificaly checked my PM archive. I never send you a single message until yesterday (other than the one that I mentioned above), harassing or otherwise. The only exception were two game-realted PMs that I've send you 10 days ago, when you suddenly expressed desire to join my new game that I was orginising, after all your past insults and flames directed at me and protecting Norfleet.  In these 2 PMs I told you we need to discuss it in privite and I told you that I have no objection to you joining my game, if you will promise that, you'll stay polite in the game-thread to all other players, including Cohen, whom you always flame venemiosly and whom, as you told me yourself, you hate deeply. I also said that I want us to stop any future flamewars between you and me, since I have no interest in continuing them - the only person on the board that I have reason to despite and flame was Norfleet. Both Messages were *very* polite and neutral. You have promptly responed to both of them, also staying reasonably polite, and you have decided to withdraw from the game instead.
You never expressed any displeasure with these Messages in your responses, and you never asked me to not write you in the future.
Other than that, I never send any privite Messages to you, harassing or otherwise. And the only emails that we ever exchanged were about 5 monthes ago, when we both were playing in my "Fire and Ice" game. There was no future email correspondence between us either. I don't even have your email address.
If you are going to dispute any of this Cainehill, I am going to post both my "harrasing" message and your response, for everybody to see. Than you can again whine as much as you want about my "disregard for privicy". I will not let you lie about me and about these letters, and than hide behind the figus leaf of "privicy".
Here is a bottom line for you Cainehill, just to settle this once and for all, and I am going to say it in public for everybody to see.
You have told me just a few weeks ago, when we were talking on the Dom channel, about your past. You proudly told me how much do you enjoy all sort of flamewars, and you bragged for a very long time what a great flamer you are.  You told me that in various internet forums "people are still talking about some of my flames from years ago"  You feel so proud of it and you kept braging about it on and on.
Well, here are the news for you Cainehill - I am not really interested in any type of pissing contest with you.  I am sorry if it will come as a shock to you.  But I have much better uses for my time than silly flamewars with you. The only person I had every reason to despite and hate, for cheating and ruining my game in which I invested so much of my time and energy is gone now, after being publicly exposed as a cheater. That's enough for me.
Unlike yourself, I am not out there looking for flames of any kind. I am here to play Dom2 game and communicate with mature and intelligent fellow Dom2 players. I am not braging what a great flamer I am, and how people talk about my flames in awe, years after I am gone. To tell you the truth, I find it very silly and childish.  But that's my own opinion, you can do whatever you want with your time. Hoever I duobt that Moderators will look at it kindly. But don't expect me to become your flaming partner Cainehill, in your quest to become the "Flame King of Dom2 forums". I am sorry to say, but this is not going to happen. Frankly you hold no interest for me, and I simply don't care about you one way or another. And the more desperately you'll try to involve me into your flamewars, the more silly you'll look for all other forum memebers, that's all.
With best regards,

August 10th, 2004, 08:20 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
Stormbinder once again distorted:
After the Norfleet's cheating was recently exposed to the public, I send you a brief message, asking you if you are willing to admit that you was wrong, when for the past 5 monthes you repeatedly insulted me on various Boards and zealosly defended Norfleet, when I was saying that Norfeet is a cheater. I did it because I wanted the matter to be settled between us and so we both could move on, now that the trutt was in the open. The message was very brief and I didn't insult you or call you names.
Asking if I'd admit I was wrong, hmmm?
This is what you wrote, "I think you owe me a personal appology Cain. Although I don't know if you have guts to admit it."
That wasn't "asking if I'd admit I was wrong". In addition - I've had communications with you in IRC, via private Messages, and email, and I told you _NOT_ to send private communications - not emails, not private Messages via the forums.
Now then, to reiterate - I find you to be duplicitous, a stone cold liar (as documented in a thread months ago), deceitful, and in general, a whining irritating self-righteous pompous snit.
I have no interest in "flaming" you, I have no interest in hearing from you, and I generally try to only respond to you when you start distorting the truth again.
Now, to politely use your acronyms, STFU and FOAD. 
Wormwood and wine, and the bitter taste of ashes.

August 10th, 2004, 08:27 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
I have no interest in "flaming" you...
Now, to politely use your acronyms, STFU and FOAD.
Good Job. 

August 10th, 2004, 08:32 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
To all fellow players who have expressed their support and appreciation:
I want to thank all of you. Your support is very important to me, and I really appreciate it. It makes me feel that the time and efforts to expose the cheater was well spend and apreciated by other Dom2 players. Thanks you guys.
As for my "editing" of the letter, as one or two people wrote here - frankly I don't think that these accusations are fair. First - I specifically said (in the part that was deleted by Zen together with letter) when I posted the letter that these are "excerpts" from the letter.
Second - I speciafically put "..." sign in few places where I cut unrelated text. I never did any other editing of course. Frankly I don't know what else could I possibly do to point out that I am posting excerpts, not the whole letter???
The only reason why I posted that letter in the first place was in respond to Zen's post, in which he said that Illwinter doesn't know yet if Norfleet has cheated or not, that it is not obvious to them or to him, and so on...
So I posted these expects that clearly show that at least KristoferO had no doubts whatsoever that Norfleet cheated, and that he thinks that for all other players it is just as obvious as well. I think it was very appropriate response, and I don't feel that I did something terribly unethicall here.
As for my "editing" - the only parts that I skiped was personal advice from KristofferO to myself, to "not brag" about the fact that I was right about Norfleet all along, and just relax and enjoy the results of what I have done. I skiped them in my post because they were personal and absolutely irrelivent to the fact that was being discussed at that moment, whihc is Norfleet's cheating. That's all.
BTW KristofferO, I actually thought about your advice seriosly and decided to take it to the hear when I've recieved your later. As anybody can see I haven't braged in any of the threads recently. (well, to be absolutely honest I did braged a littel bit once, but very shortly and two days ago, before that letter  )
Instead I was staying calm and positive after Norfleet was finally busted, just as I intend to do in the future.  And I wanted to thank KristofferO for his advice, because he was right of course. I also hope Kristoffer doesn't mind me posting these few expects from his latter, where he said that it is clear to Illwinter and should be clear to all players that the norfleet have cheated. Since then, both Jossef and KrisO have posted here on this thread saying just that, so it is not a question for anybody anymore.
Again, my deep thanks to everybody who expresed their suppost to me and for their kind words, in this thread and in others.
Feeling warn and cozy inside,

August 10th, 2004, 09:23 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
All right Cain, I see you obviosuly too addicted to your flames, and just can not stop it even if it is in your best interest. You have been warned. Here are your letter to me from yesterday:
I owe you an apology? Whatever for? Because I'm sorry that you're a long winded whining brat?
As I wrote, I didn't call you names or insult you in my letter. And as we all know, I was pointing to the fact that you was the most rabid and zealous defender of Norfleet against acusations of him cheating. (and you kee doing so even now, alone on entire Boards, just to have lame excuse to flame me a bit more  ). I thought now you could just admit that he was a cheater and we can bury the axe between us and move on. Obviosuly I was wrong, you like flames too much. I probably should however follow KrisO advice in this one as well, and left the teasing "guts" part out.
But your response that I just posted was nothing but insults and profanity. Or do you think that because you use short FOAD it makes is somehow more polite?"
In addition - I've had communications with you in IRC, via private Messages,
Lies. You didn't have any privite Messages with me at all, other than these few that I mentioned. If you do - post them.
Lies. You didn't have any emails communication with me at all, after the Fire and Ice game message 5 monthes ago, as I wrote above. If you do - post them.
and I told you _NOT_ to send private communications - not emails, not private Messages via the forums.
Lies. You never told me anything like that, because I didn't send you any Messages or emails, other than those mentioned above. So you have no reason to tell me such nonsense. If you did - post it.
Now then, to reiterate - I find you to be duplicitous, a stone cold liar (as documented in a thread months ago), deceitful, and in general, a whining irritating self-righteous pompous snit.
Thanks for demostrating once again to all of us that all your admitions to me, about you "being the most famous internet flamer on various forums" were nothing but true. However as I said I am not going to respond to you on your level, since it would diminish me and would be just future waste of my time. Sorry.
Now, to politely use your acronyms, STFU and FOAD.
LOL. You lie even in such small things Cain, it's quite funny.
I never used FOAD acronyms, it just another lie of yours. If you have any proof or link that I did - post it.
I did use STFU acronym once, 5 months ago, in the IRC channel vs Norfleet, after his "alter" ego in our game was exposed, and he kept interupting our discussion. I used it once, and I never used it agaon. You, however, keep using it all the time, while marking it as "my acronym". Very silly.
I have no interest in "flaming" you, I have no interest in hearing from you
Excellent.  Mark these words of you.  I have no interest in flaming you and hearing from you either. So from now on we are just going to ignore each other.
This board has seen enough flamewars lately. Everybody is sick and tired of them. Like I said, I am not going to particiapte in any silly flamewars with you in the future, and expect you to do the same to me. Any future insults and profanity that I hear from you, toward me or toward somebody esle, will be promptly reported to moderator. Feel free to do the same with me.
I would like to ask Zen to please mark this converstaion. And if any of us in the future will break this promise and will start flaming another on this Boards again, Zen would know who would be the guity party and act accordingly.
God knows, there have been enough of flamewars recently on this board. A lot of them were directed or involving Norfleet, who, as Gendalf wrote here, generated more deleted Posts than anybody else on this forum, both himself and directed at him. Now that Norf is gone, let us all do our best to keep this forum flame free in the future, and open to the intersting and repectful Dom2 discussions.
I think each and every player here would appreciate it, as well as Moderators.

August 10th, 2004, 09:33 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
Since then, both Jossef and KrisO have posted here on this thread saying just that, so it is not a question for anybody anymore.

August 10th, 2004, 09:37 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
storm always has some creative spelling. sometimes its even almost impossible to figure him out on IRC. Just be thankful he actually gave you a real name, johan. :P
of course, when i hear "jossef" I think either of goebbels or of comrade stalin 

August 10th, 2004, 09:44 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
I am sorry. Of course I mean Sir Johan Osterman.
My sincire appologies Johan. I should know how to type your name by now.  Your big greeny head has been uttering words of wisdom so often in the past, resolving long Lasting disputes regarding Dom2 inner secrets. Sorry about mistype. 

August 10th, 2004, 09:49 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
storm always has some creative spelling. :P
Sad but true.
I keep trying to invent some new words to add to the standart english vocabulary. Alas, so far Webster has been rejecting all my suggestions...
of course, when i hear "jossef" I think either of goebbels or of comrade stalin
...or of Bible. 
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