
May 29th, 2003, 10:49 PM
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Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
Slynky, that's what I call a knock-down drag out bareknuckle brawl. How is it that your 3 untrained BC's took out that fleet of 18?

May 30th, 2003, 06:55 PM
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Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
Originally posted by Stone Mill:
Slynky, that's what I call a knock-down drag out bareknuckle brawl. How is it that your 3 untrained BC's took out that fleet of 18?
Just the difference between some more modern equipment on my ships (weapons, sensors, ECM, shields) than on his. I don't think his fleet was trained either. Otherwise, there is a small difference (to his disadvantage) in racial attributes. Finally, he had several ships there heaped with PDs (used to get through those fighters we discussed earlier) so they weren't much good in regular combat.
(EDIT: And if not mentioned, his fleet was mostly LCs with some destroyers. I can't remember at the moment if 18 ships included some of the sweepers or not)
[ May 30, 2003, 17:57: Message edited by: Slynky ]
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)

June 1st, 2003, 12:22 AM
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Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
Trithian Empire (Slynky) -vs- Kif Hegemony (Mark the Merciful): 2408.0 (I think)
(standard KOTH game: 1 medium starting homeworld)
Speaking of brutal...
Again, on the northeast side (below the arm/tentacle), Mark moved toward one of my perimeter systems. He popped through the wormhole. Mark: 17 battleships, 2 LCs -vs- Me: 76 small sats, 18 BCs, 110 ftrs. Obviously trained, they were hard to hit! I would have to say his position coming in was bad. He chose "wall" and it ran perpendicular to my "V", so I had one end of him with my fleet and the 76 sats were at the other end of his line. My sats only screwed up 2 Bats but several of them clustered around it to blow the stack away. This worked to my advantage as my fleet had fewer ships to contend with on the other end of his wall. Results: Mark's fleet destroyed (support ships, too) while I ended with 0 sats, 70 ftrs, and 12 BCs.
Meanwhile, we were both making plans in the southwestern part of the map. I thought I may have the surprise, but when I moved into his area and glassed a planet, I see a fleet that is borderline victory problem. After adding a few more ships 'cause it looked like a problem, we met over his planet. Mark: 7 Bats, 7 LCs, and 2 small WPs -vs- Me: 8 BCs, 8 CRs, 5 LCs, and 3 DEs. Though all trained, several of the smaller ships were old designs. Results: Mark's planet and fleet destroyed, Me: 3 BCs and my support ships left (whew!).
So, we've both gone through a few ships, Mark more than me. Yet, I still languish in 2nd place. God (and Mark  ) only knows what is coming next!
(sorry to bore ya guys...but for the people [like me] who like details...)
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)

June 1st, 2003, 08:19 AM
Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
Trithian Empire (Slynky) -vs- Kif Hegemony (Mark the Merciful): 2409.0)
(standard KOTH game: 1 medium starting homeworld)
More death and destruction.
We pushed on through another ten turns tonight, which was great.
In the Southwest (in a system separated from the rest of my empire by two nebulae systems), re-inforcements already on the way arrived just as Slynky's second wave appeared. He temporarily fled the system (and even abandoned the colony he'd placed there), but returned in heavier numbers within a couple of turns. My force was mostly obsolete LCs, but were defending a planet with about 10 small WPs with large mount APB Xs and XIIs. Unfortunately, the random deployment put Slynky's fleet in a V around the planet, with my fleet off to one side and unable to screen it. So I benefitted very little from the firepower of the planet, and he won the battle with light casualties. Soon, every planet in the system had been glassed (some twice over), and a couple of Slynky's colonies were started up. Boo! Hiss!
The next few turns were taken up with preparatory maneuvers (and claims from Slynky that I'd exposed a huge gap in his defences - though I never spotted it - methinks he's been indulging in a bit of gentle disinformation every now and then).
In the Last action packed turn, I sent another fleet through the same Northeastern wormhole as before; and as before, it was totally destroyed while inflicting heavy but not fatal damage on the defenders. And my second wave of reinforcements arrived too late in the Southwest. Thirsting for revenge, they're heading for Slynky's seemingly undefended colonies.
Tune in for tomorrow's exciting episode of "over the top"; World War I in space...

June 1st, 2003, 05:00 PM
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Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
Trithian Empire (Slynky) -vs- Kif Hegemony (Mark the Merciful): 2409.0
(standard KOTH game: 1 medium starting homeworld)
Well, not sure what to say. The game has been awesome. No matter how many ships I kill, he has more! For the standard game KOTH game (instead of the "quick start" some people choose with 3 good planets), the fleets and ship count is awesome! At one time, I had 138 ships. Then Mark "trimmed" it some  .
The battle he talks of involved about 30 ships each. I won it but with lots of casulties. I thought I was safe, then he sent another 30 ships through the hole the turn after! Mind you, these were mostly battleships. No way I could hold under those conditions.
Of course, the "assisted" reduction in maintenance cost has allowed me to load up more yards.
I've been "porked", "chicken'd", "onion'd", and "cheese'd" till I think I've lost my taste for Pizza! If you have ever encountered his ships, you know what I mean.
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)

June 1st, 2003, 08:48 PM
Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
I've been "porked", "chicken'd", "onion'd", and "cheese'd" till I think I've lost my taste for Pizza! If you have ever encountered his ships, you know what I mean.
Nobody knows what you'r talking about Slynky. I change my ship naming scheme for every game. 

June 2nd, 2003, 01:57 AM
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Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
Move Lord Chain up a step, he is the victor in our game. Well played.
As for me, I think I will sit it out for a while.
Think about it

June 3rd, 2003, 07:42 AM
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Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
Krsqk v. Gandalph, 2400.5--First Contact
My games seem to be flip-flopping back and forth. After a quick meeting with tesco, I had a nice leisurely, balanced start with Mathias_Ice. Now it's back for a quick start with Gandalph. We'll see how this one plays out; it should be over quickly one way or the other... 
The Unpronounceable Krsqk
"Well, sir, at the moment my left processor doesn't know what my right is doing." - Freefall

June 3rd, 2003, 07:53 AM
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Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
Phoenix-D vs Kazarp (David G):
This has the makings of a very short game. We picked a max-tech no mines 10 planet start, and started right next to each other.
I had a bunch of breathables in my home systems, so I went for colonizers and BSYs. He went for scouts and BBs.
Fortunately his BBs don't have all that much supply..one ran out of gas attacking my worlds. I have one very unhappy system minus two planets though.
EDIT: Two turns later, one planet less, I've discovered something very interesting about my opponents ships. They have NO shields. They aren't really BBs at all; they aren't completely filled, they're just quick-build half filled designs. So my weapon platforms are tearing into them- a single WP smashes the BB down to 60% in a single round. At least two of his BBs are cripples, and my fully armed full battleships are now off the line.
What's better is he assumed I'd go religious, so his defensiveness is nil. Who -needs- the taliasman under those circumstances?
[ June 03, 2003, 07:03: Message edited by: Phoenix-D ]
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- Digger

June 3rd, 2003, 08:10 AM
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Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?
Most likely the final update: Cheeze vs Asmala
I started this game in 2nd place, and it just got worse from there. It would not be true to say that Asmala was one step ahead of me the entire game....it was more like 3 or 4 miles (that's about 5-7 kilometers for you metric types  )
Barring some truly bizarre turn of events, like some 3rd empire entering the game and plowing into Asmala's exposed systems (if there are any), this game is over. Perhaps I can be toyed with a while, to pass the time until another unfortunate player faces this excellent opposition.
I have not had a chance to play my style of game because Asmala never gave me the opportunity. As I saw it, I had one real weakness to exploit to achieve victory, but I never came even slightly close to being able to take advantage of it.
Thanks for the beating...although I was so out-played I don't think I'll be learning anything from it...beyond fearing to play Asmala in KOTH another time!!!  Very nicely done!!
I'm about to turn it up a notch!!
Where's the ka-boom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering ka-boom!
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