geez, All I'm trying to say is making comments when you only have one side of the story is 'prejudice'. Having multiple people on one side posting comments does not make their opinion just or even fair. Poo happens to good people too, and some things have major domino effects that are entirely out of your control.
IE: Was It AT that posted saying he got a IRS audit fine of like $480 for a $13 dollar error on an 8 year old tax return? (Was that a malicious oversite by AT? does that make him a bad person? Should he no longer be trusted to do his own tax returns? NO, He is still a good person and always will be.)
I've seen many bad things happen to good people, and folks, YOU DO NOT KNOW THE DETAILS OF WHAT HAPPENED TO SFI. Even stardock probably does not know the details. All they know is they did not recieve sums due to them and some payments were 'late/delayed'. I can guarantee you there was no 'malicious intent' on the part of SFI.
I'm curious, before GalCiv (Published by SFI) was Stardock even on the map? Didn't SFI bring them to the forefront and help make them a part of the mainstream? Would GalCiv2 have the same chance at success if the groundwrok was not done by SFI? It seems to me Stardock, not only survived SFI's Desaster but managed to thrive and prosper. Perhaps the damage to Stardock was not as severe as most people think. And did Stardock have to dismiss any employees? (SFI was forced to send 100+ talented people to the unemployment lines) Do you think ANY company would take joy in having to dismiss that kind of numbers of staff?
What happened was a desaster that affected allot of people and the biggest and hardest hit was SFI itself. Could it have been avoided.. Possibly,.. but you know what they say.. "Hindsight is 20-20".
All this 'Bashing SFI, just for the sake of venting frustrations' has to stop at some point. I am surprised that so many people managed to form an opinion on hearsay (and one sided hearsay at that) And I'm not saying your information is wrong,.. I'm saying you only have one side of the story.
Does anyone know what I'm trying to say?
EDIT: My experience in this industry started in Retail, then Distribution, then development. (I trained a team of artists to work on computers {they all had no prior experience using computers to do artwork.} and our art team brought a popular game into the mainstream.) The name of that game? Steel Panthers. (ever hear of it?) Look for my name in the credits, along with Natahalie, Ed, and Richard. I believe the game is still popular to this day.