
August 11th, 2004, 02:11 AM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
Didn't...want...to...reply.......can't...keep....e yes...off...thread.......made...me....say....it... .


August 11th, 2004, 04:22 AM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
I wonder if Cainehill was named UN or UN202 or some other change on UN, since he is the biggest flamer I know from another board... (NOT that Im implying that Cainehill is a flamer, this is only in regards to stormbinder's "they rememeber my flames for years in other Boards" accusation)
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)

August 11th, 2004, 09:08 AM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
You realize what this means, don't you? Any one of us could be Norfleet.

August 11th, 2004, 09:18 AM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
You realize what this means, don't you? Any one of us could be Norfleet.
I'm Spartacus!
"Freefall, my old nemesis! All I have to do is activate my compressed gas rocket boots and I will cheat you once again! Belt control ON!…On?" [i]Othar Trygvasson[i]

August 11th, 2004, 03:50 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
No... *I'M* Spartacus!

August 11th, 2004, 05:50 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
Heh. I was actually going to end my post with that line. I'd already typed out "I'm Spart" when I thought better of it.

August 11th, 2004, 06:01 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
Heh. I was actually going to end my post with that line. I'd already typed out "I'm Spart" when I thought better of it.
Oh, but nobody would have believed you - you're clearly a Brian, not a Spartacus.
"Freefall, my old nemesis! All I have to do is activate my compressed gas rocket boots and I will cheat you once again! Belt control ON!…On?" [i]Othar Trygvasson[i]

August 11th, 2004, 07:57 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
Well. Well indeed.
I've been gone for the Last few days and i come back and we have a huge rigamahoopshamwamdingle. Of course i can't resist the urge to add my two cents, although i'll try my best to remain ...well... i suppose i'll try to remain honest to myself.
On Norfleets cheating:
Between Norfleets early defensive bs, the factual numbers, and Norfleets hasty exit, the case seems pretty clear at this point. Norfleet was cheating. Obviously its not the end of the world, and while its important to find out how he did it so it could be fixed, i dont think it necessarily follows that he should be Banned forever. I liked Norfleet. Despite his arrogance he could be quite funny, and helpful as well, and he would obviously know more about fixing these cheats/glitches than most others. While most games and forums might ban a player for his first infraction, i'd think that most people would agree that both this game and this forum are like no other. I could definetly see conditional parole for Norfleet were he to help fix whatever glitch or weakness he is exploiting. Obviously many people here would no longer want him in their games, and its equally obvious many people are going to be watching their games like a hawk in an effort to prevent any future cheating.
On the subject of Stormbinder:
Yes, you were right, we all know it, even if some of us refuse to admit it. Norfleet cheated, and you proved it and got one up on him. You came off very unctous and lowball doing it though. Now im not trying to insult you, though i understand how it could be taken as such... but you could have gone about this in an entirely different way. I could practically hear the snickers you must have been holding back in both your original post and your post with the actual numbers, you were OBVIOUSLY very happy to be destroying Norfleet on this forum, and that bothered me nearly as much as Norfleets cheating. In the end the cold hard truth is that you did this community a great service in exposing a cheater who was willing to exploit the game and others so he could lord it over us all, and i thank you for it.... But dont expect me to have to like you for it.
On the subject of the powers that be:
I have on occasion been given to think that sometimes certain Moderators come off as arrogant and dissmisive to those that havn't been around as long as they have, but on the whole i find all the seniority around here to be helpful, polite, and fairly open minded about any issues that come up. I can see why they locked the original post about the cheating, but im not sure i agree with it... Locking a corpse in a closet just means its going to stink that much more when it finally does come out in the open, and with an issue that is as serious as this and strikes so deeply as this issue does.... some negativity and displeasure is bound to be voiced. And i dont believe that should be a problem. It will be a sad state of affairs when we are no longer allowed to vocally make our displeasure known about something... attempting to lock down threads about an issue as important to MP games as cheating is just going to start ugly talk of censorship on top of the whole cheating issue. All in all, kudo's to you for paying attention and lavishing your time on this wonderful game.

August 11th, 2004, 08:47 PM
Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
On the subject of the powers that be:
I have on occasion been given to think that sometimes certain Moderators come off as arrogant and dissmisive to those that havn't been around as long as they have, but on the whole i find all the seniority around here to be helpful, polite, and fairly open minded about any issues that come up. I can see why they locked the original post about the cheating, but im not sure i agree with it... Locking a corpse in a closet just means its going to stink that much more when it finally does come out in the open, and with an issue that is as serious as this and strikes so deeply as this issue does.... some negativity and displeasure is bound to be voiced. And i dont believe that should be a problem. It will be a sad state of affairs when we are no longer allowed to vocally make our displeasure known about something... attempting to lock down threads about an issue as important to MP games as cheating is just going to start ugly talk of censorship on top of the whole cheating issue. All in all, kudo's to you for paying attention and lavishing your time on this wonderful game.
I knew exactly what was going to happen. At the point of the topic change it no longer was about cheating, but about Stormbinder feeling he could without recourse say whatever he'd like.
Now as I said before, talking about the cheating, or how you think it's wrong. Turning an entire thread into a huge flamefest that must be deleted after it's run it's course so that newbies don't feel the official forum and posters drag the community through the dirt as often as possible is not my favored method of moderation.
Storm was only allowed to keep that post up as long as it maintained some form of dignity, and it did not when he broke his word to me, so it was closed. This thread has been kept relatively free of such things so it is in no danger of any sort of action while allowing people to speak their feelings on the subject without resorting to such low behavior. That being said, I expected it to turn in such a diretion knowing what we know about the animosity between Stormbinder/Norfleet and their own unique personality. Which is exactly why my first post in this thread is worded and stated in such a way as to keep things cordial.
Either way, you are encouraged to have your own opinion of the 'powers that be' as far as this forum. I won't let any other moderator take the blame of the strictures I have taken while I have been here relatively alone.

August 11th, 2004, 09:32 PM
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Re: So how \'bout those Mets?
On Norfleets cheating:
Between Norfleets early defensive bs, the factual numbers, and Norfleets hasty exit, the case seems pretty clear at this point.
My exit hasn't been THAT hasty. I'm still around to offload of all of my prior responsibilities before I depart prior to Monday, as I am leaving the country on business I had been planning for some time, but had been putting off. Now I don't have a reason for it, so I booked the ticket yesterday. As for "Defensive Early BS", yes, I admit it, I lied. The actual truth was not something that can be believed in the climate, circumstances, and resultant brouhaha, so like I said, I won't waste my time looking like I'm trying to come up with an excuse, which would not have convinced enough people anyway. I've shared it with only a small handful of people I considered to be friends, and requested that they not share this for their own sake, so as not to come off as an apologist and damage their own reputations further. I won't ask anyone to take sides. I'll just take my lumps and leave, as I was really looking for a way out for at least a month now, as Zen can testify to. Ultimately, I'm as fed up by this as you all are, and as people have graciously offered to take the now onerous and distasteful chores off my hands, I can wash them of this entire affair. Good bye, and good riddance.
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