Actually I can't create my own Save System. You can call me pathetic, this specific area is just not my expertise.
After reviewing what you said, honestly, albiet may be 2 late, didn't wish to put implications of vigiliance. Honestly, I have a perfectly controlled sense of emotion but coupled with an inability to understand others without facial expressions, any conclusion can come from within my words, for they tend to be very Oblivious from page to page.
Futhermore, I am not a Bibilical Nut, just Catholic, there is a Difference, look it up.

And a....the Tyranny part was simply Rhetoric just to keep the people off my back for having a Dissenting opinion
Anyway, pressing for a solution that I percieve the "community" might want (even though I am seperate from this community) I am reluctant to give one. But nevertheless you asked (to no harmful intention)
The problem with making a solution that SP/MP are totally not the same thing, hence I could give an SP solution easily, but an MP solution is hellva lot more tricky.
The Whole Idea is how I want to be able to Test the Waters of my actions and the whole idea of what you want is not to leave from the game as the Developer's intended, at least that is what I percieve.
A solution could be a "in-game feature" known as "Wisdom", only avalible to High Level Astral Mages where you pay a huge sum amount of money+Astral Gems to be able to simuliate one battle of your choice, and it would tell you who the victor is for that simulation only, meaning it would not tell you the extent nor would it tell you the "Real" battle, in luie with mythology, Heroes could only defy the fates for so long.
The Payment scales Horrondesly and no Wizard (Pretender) can do it more then Twice and it has a chance of killing the Wizard (Pretender) outright and it has a chance of giving the Reverse Outcome.
I don't want to shoot my own idea down but I feel like it's one of those Features, high-maintance and incredibly cool and might be impossible, but I'm not sure because these guys are good at programming from what I've seen.
From the Chinese, to the Greeks, to the peoples of the Triple Alliance (Tenochitlian, Tetzcoco, Tlacopan) this thing would be totally awesome, considering that ANY true mythology devulged diviniation as that of the highest priortity. Tenochitilan and Rome were built purely by Oracles and I'm sure almost any event would come in mind 2.
[censored], even Christianity was adopted in Rome when "God" came from the heavens to ensure victory for Constantine by painting the Holy Cross on the Legonary Shield.
That's an idea.
Many things could go wrong with this solution, but in reality, the Oracles pretty much dictated every war including REAL war like the Greeks and Persians. You cannot go anywhere without the "real" Pretender Gods making sure that they are "going to win".
The best part of the Idea is of cours, that you bring yourself ever more closer to "Real Mythology".
Another solution would be to allow a Save Game feature choice to those who want it in SP. (Have to throw it in there)
A Third Solution is where you can pay to Save your Game in SP(Have to throw in there)
So yes, the Oracle idea in summary would look like this,
To do Wisdom.
-High Level Astral Mage
-Requires Astral Gems and Lots of Gold
-The Cost Scales
-Being able to simulate one battle and know who the winner is. No other details revealed
Alternative Outcomes
-Oracle gives unsure answer (meaning no conclusion. "It will be a very big battle)
-Oracle gives the wrong answer (Regardless of what the true outcome is.)
-Oracle dies. (Death from Vision or Drowns in the well water, pick your poision

Further Constrictions
-Cannot be spammed by the same High level Caster
-The Level requirement also goes up as well.
That's an idea that I think something in which you could like...
This is one of those kinds of requests were only a game like this could pull off succesfully, truthfully.