
February 6th, 2007, 07:38 PM
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Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
It was for a moment. Gave it some more RAM.

February 6th, 2007, 07:41 PM
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Re: Eventide - Random Nations, Late Era (Started)
turn played
" Jefe, le presento a Manuk, el hombre de la sonrisa de hierro "

February 6th, 2007, 11:34 PM
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Some Updates:
R'lyeh accidentally submitted his turn before he was finished and he won't be able to access the game again for a few more hours. I've turned off quickhost until he fixes his error. The turn will host in about 5-6 hours probably.
I'm also going to use this opportunity to employ a backup script, so we can go back to turn "X" if something gets hosed up.
The main host machine got a RAM update (not that dom3 really cares). But hey... I'm pretty damn happy!
Finally - due to the issues with the Status page I'm going to take it down for a little while. We'll be running some tests and hopefully it will come back soon! Email notification is, of course, still in effect.

February 7th, 2007, 02:59 PM
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I would like someone who hasn't done thier turn yet to do a little test for me if possible.
1) Connect to the server and download your turn
2) Issue a few orders
3) Click "Options" => "Save Game and Quit"
4) Close Dom3 and then open it back up
5) Connect to the server again and see if it shows you have submitted your turn.
It has always been my assumption that the server only marks your turn as submitted is if you click "End Turn". This is currently the problem R'lyeh has.

February 7th, 2007, 03:29 PM
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It appears that it counts your turn even if you save game and quit. My suggestion would be to connect to the server to download the turn, then exit out of the server instead of issuing any turn orders, do your turn out of the server, then reconnect to the server to upload your now completed turn. That way you can finish the turn at your leisure instead of leaving it half done. You have to remember to hit save game and quit instead of end turn though when you are doing your turn out of the server.
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February 7th, 2007, 03:39 PM
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RamsHead said:
It appears that it counts your turn even if you save game and quit.
Next question: I was under the impression it wasn't suppost to work this way. Think this is a bug or a problem with the Server? Any expereinced players want to confirm how it is "suppost" to work?

February 7th, 2007, 04:04 PM
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The dialog on "save and quit" when you're connected to a server indicates that it is certainly not working as intended. I'm guessing it's a game bug, but if anyone is playing a game on another server give us a quick check if you would.

February 7th, 2007, 04:12 PM
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Micah said:
I'm guessing it's a game bug, but if anyone is playing a game on another server give us a quick check if you would.
That would be very helpful, if someone could replicate this test on another server.

February 7th, 2007, 07:38 PM
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Micah said:
The dialog on "save and quit" when you're connected to a server indicates that it is certainly not working as intended. I'm guessing it's a game bug, but if anyone is playing a game on another server give us a quick check if you would.
After some testing (thanks LCH) it has been determined that when you "save and quit" the game DOES mark your turn as completed. If you "Quit without saving" it will not. So keep that in mind FYI. If this is a bug or not is debatable, but it seems to be reproducible on other servers.
Soooooo.... because of this quickhost will be disabled again today for R'lyeh to get home and finish their move.
Thanks for your patience people.

February 7th, 2007, 10:02 PM
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Yeah the game says that it will not upload the 2h if you just save and quit. It then goes back to the screen with all the flags and it says you have completed your turn.
I think they should at least change the "will not upload" message you get if this is the intended behavior.
Oh well as Ramshead suggested I will just disconnect from the server until I have actually finished my turn and then just reconnect to upload.
Thanks guys.
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