Turn 11 start
Its still going well despite the visibility the Brits still sent in 2 Spitfires damaging a Halftrack, bombs are gone now so not to worried.
Apart from that we have lost a Truck to arty & 6 men, the scout lives but lost 2 men so will not be participating further.
The Brits have lost 47 units started killing infantry now 17 are tank losses.
From the top
Pz Grenadiers went to risky bounding advance as shielded by trees & will cover our flank for a few turns.
Main force placing smoke 11-13 hexes ahead of infantry so vehicles can move forward with minimum exposure, tanks will fill in the gaps. As usual some slightly risky Halftrack moves will occur behind the smoke to keep the pace up, getting infantry forward for the next smoke screen.
Working well so far had a minor scare with 2 undetected Piat Teams but as they were suppressed they missed, infantry spotted them as they fired.
Panther in slightly risky position as destroyed one but killed the first Churchill that appeared before the smoke fell.
MkIV managed to kill a couple of central Sherman's that the squad had located, now joining main force as Central Group is out of the Orchard.
ATG has 6kills now bagging a Sherman & is poised to possibly get another, its relocating for fear of arty shortly.
Southern units are doing likewise & getting eyes on approach directly for Vhexes.
Bit concerned there might be quite a few Brits trying to come this way, vehicles will struggle but if it uses artillery here we might struggle to hold the infantry back.
Its a long trip to come round behind them with relative safety we will probably miss most of the action. Hopefully by then this pocket will be all that's left & our artillery can save the day.
Tactics are allowing a faster advance than I anticipated so far. Southern group is to hold position it will not advance over the mud.