"Late fall in the year 3 of the ascension wars"
This turn we are quite defensive, the indy attacks have disturbed us. I try to catch the small caelum raid group.
From my side no major orders for this turn.
We reached conjuration 5 though, so we can start umbral summoning. No astral 2 mage in sight
"Early winter in the year 3 of the ascension wars"
Yay, 1000 Gold event (and a barbarian attack event, another province lost temporarily ^^).
Especially for Nerfix:
Quite good. The Glaive is magic, 11 Dam, +1 to attack, -1 to defense, length 4.
So a good SC killer if he hits. If you take a fire 9 dragon this might work.
And now the real bad boy, the umbral
They are almost like thugs and cost only 2 Deathgems
Their lifedrain attack is also magic and armor piercing.
No major battles happened this turn, but Caelum has castled and Ermor has drawn a few undeads to my border. I am not making real progress grmbl.
HMPF i need bodyguards. I tend to forget stuff in dominions
. A caelum flier army on hold + attack rearmost did kill my 2 necros who where the only commanders and thus won a major battle. It was a pyrhic victory for Caelum, but they won nontheless.
Caelum has now 300 or more troops there, and they did win the victory at our upper castle. Probably they will try to siege the castle this turn.
I might need to use the umbrals already.