
September 28th, 2003, 11:21 PM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
Hell yea! Tolkien's Middle Earth is the best!
Perhaps we should make a team to make the mod?
After we can mod of course. 

September 28th, 2003, 11:50 PM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
Originally posted by st.patrik:
quote: Originally posted by Mortifer:
I dont think that anyone disrespect Nerfix. However his comments are very childish and ignorant. That is not very good.
I wish you guys would just drop it - in one breath you say you don't disrespect Nerflix, in the next you're calling him all kinds of names, disparaging his comments - I don't care whether you do or don't respect Nerflix or his comments, but I see no need to bash the guy.
to ask a question relevant to the thread: what are the top mods you would want to make, if Dom II becomes moddable - your own fantasy worlds, or stuff based on Tolkien, AD&D…other pseudo-historical nations? I agree. There is no need to call other folks names to make a point. Everyone has stated their views on this issue, let's keep it to that, the issue at hand.
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September 28th, 2003, 11:51 PM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
Originally posted by Aristoteles:
cpbeller - Nerfix doesn't doing anything, he is asking questions, and making some idiotic comments. He totally sounds like an ignorant kid, if you ask me. (I think many of you have noticed this.)
Personally I don't care, but he posted too much BS here. Enough is enough you know.
The problem is that he doesn't had a single valid point in this case, just for example..making absolutely no sense to me.
He made a fansite, so what? I can make a site like that in 1 hour. We all love this game, he cannot post BS without consequences.
Okay, again, let's drop the attacks.
Either post with civility or accept the consequences. We are all adults here, if you have a complaint with a poaster take it to PM's or drop me a line.
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September 28th, 2003, 11:55 PM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
Originally posted by Mortifer:
Aye well said Bard.
If my english would be good enough, I would post like that.
Heh... you should catch me first thing in the morning before I've had my first cup of coffee... my english isn't great in those circumstances either... and I don't even have another language to fall back on...
Originally posted by Mortifer:
What mods will we create? Well if we can edit units/nations/pretenders, there will be no limits.
Tolkien world, AD&D, Warhammer etc.
My personal favourite is Middle Earth of course.
The War of the Ring would be the best era for a mod. [Mordor, Isengard, Gondor, Lorien, Fangorn etc. for the nations.]
All of these are good ideas. Personally, I've always wanted to do a Middle Earth mod featuring something other than the War of the Ring (which wasn't so much a war as an RPG-style adventure/quest... hard to replicate well in a strategy game)... maybe the Last Alliance, or the battle between the Valar and Morgoth. The Fall of Numenor could provide an interesting scenario as well... the possibilities are endless... 

September 29th, 2003, 01:24 AM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
What kinds of modding tools do you prefer (in order of importance). We can make a poll when we have a number of suggestions.
Tools for remaking nations seems popular and is probably not too difficult to implement.
Adding monsters is already possible, but only in scearios. Probably more interesting if combined with a nationmodder.
Other mods such as unit editing is more difficult to implement.
What good mods are there in other games. We will need to delve into this and might need some guidance.

September 29th, 2003, 01:47 AM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
Originally posted by Kristoffer O:
What kinds of modding tools do you prefer (in order of importance). We can make a poll when we have a number of suggestions.
Tools for remaking nations seems popular and is probably not too difficult to implement.
Adding monsters is already possible, but only in scearios. Probably more interesting if combined with a nationmodder.
Other mods such as unit editing is more difficult to implement.
What good mods are there in other games. We will need to delve into this and might need some guidance.
We need the following tools, in my opinion:
Must have editors:
1. Nation editor
2. Unit editor
3. Mod tool to add/remove units for the nations
4. Pretender editor
The following editos arent necessary, but would be awesome to have:
1. Spell editor [Guess this would require scripting, but if someone can do it, why not?]
2. The ability to add/remove spells -> This could allow pure medieval mods for example
3. Interface editor -> To change the layout
If you want to see good mods, go to www.civfanatics.com for example. -> Lot of awesome mods there for civilzation games. Examples: Gouble your Pleasure, Fantasy Empires etc.
Or just check out the [local] Space Empires 4. mods. 
[ September 28, 2003, 12:50: Message edited by: Mortifer ]

September 29th, 2003, 08:58 AM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
Indeed. I for one want to see a Tolkien mod first of all. I will help to make unit graphics for it. 

September 29th, 2003, 09:37 AM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
Yes, we need that Tolkien mod/scenario. I want to kick some *** with the Uruk-Hai! 

September 29th, 2003, 10:24 AM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
Don't worry, if we can mod, we will work on a LotR mod first of all, as I said.
We will need a good Middle Earth map, so post links, if you know about some. More detailed = better.

September 29th, 2003, 10:42 AM
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Re: Making mods for Dominions II. [Basic editing/modding discussion.]
Larger = better too. Larger then 800x600 would be best.
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