
October 29th, 2006, 03:26 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
Moriarty: they only get one movement point *on the turn they are launched*. All turns thereafter they get normal movement.
I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
- Digger

October 29th, 2006, 04:44 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
I have a mutual defence pact but the empire in question can still attack your ships.
The empire options are also saying I have 2 fleets when there is only one.

October 29th, 2006, 04:51 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
AAshbery76 said:
I have a mutual defence pact but the empire in question can still attack your ships.
Not a bug. You need to specify "Non aggression" in your pact.
I am not senile. I just talk to myself because the rest of you don't provide adequate conversation.
- Digger

October 29th, 2006, 06:23 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
lol, mutual defense without non-agression... sounds like a race of lawyers proposed that one.

October 29th, 2006, 07:06 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
Some bugs I'm trying to recall from memory, I hope they aren't repeats.
1) Researching too many levels (10+?) of a tech in a turn causes a hang at Processing All Players Turns
2) It seems like a lot of things concerning empire interactions have reversed naming. Spying on politics, system maps, etc.
3) System maps are useless. You just know how many stars it has, and nothing else. You don't get warp points, planets, or anything else. We should be getting ghosted sensor data instead.
4) Intelligence doesn't update technology report. Whenever doing Espionage - Empire Wide, and getting reports on tech levels, this data isn't stored in the technology report on the empires screen. It should be.
5) Intelligence - Empire Wide production reports are painful to look at. They should be in fancy looking columns, and occasionally I should get research and intelligence production reports also.

October 29th, 2006, 07:42 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
More bugs:
I attacked an AI homeworld, killed all his ships and bases and then sent in a transport to land troops. It did this, but there were no defending troops or anything on the planet, and so there was no ground combat (this in itself seems odd because the population is supposed to make militia units but did not). At first, I thought the transport didn't drop the troops, but then I looked at the planet and it showed my fighters and troops occupying the planet. However, the planet was still under enemy control.
Next turn, suddenly my fighters are launching from the planet and attacking my ships, but they are now controlled by the enemy AI. It seems the AI magically "converted" all of my units. This is indeed a bug. And yes, they are MY fighters as they use my design and design names, so I know the AI didn't just build some of its own fighters.
So there's that bug. Now I just have to figure out if there's a way I can pull this campaign out of the crapper or if I'll just have to give in and glass the planet.

October 29th, 2006, 07:48 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
You sent a transport ship with 'drop cargo' orders?

October 29th, 2006, 07:51 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
I sent a transport ship with capture planet orders, the movement order was an attack-move order. I thought about giving attack-seek with the planet targeted, but I figured it wouldn't matter either way. It's not like the planet's going anywhere.
Although if stuff like this keeps happening, I don't think I'd be surprised if it did...

October 29th, 2006, 08:01 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
You did it in a seperate attack from the main battle?
I've only tried a few capture-planet attacks myself, and all the times I let the AI do the actual battle, just having a 'capture planet' strategy on my cargo ship. All those worked fine: the troops were deployed, combat started the next turn.
Perhaps the bug is that you, I assume, had fighters in the cargo ship with which you 'captured'?

October 29th, 2006, 08:10 PM
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Re: 1.08 bugs.
Yes, I didn't really need a carrier in the battle so I assumed I'd just use the fighters for air support on the planet. I put a few extras in with the troops and sent the ship off to do its work. The troop transport arrived after the main fleet had already gone in the turn before and took out all the defenses. One reason I did this was to keep the troop transport out of harm's way. It's probably best I did that too, because otherwise the transport would have bee-lined for the planet while my guys were fighting off the defensive ships. When it did arrive, that's exactly what it did, bee-lined for the planet, but by then it had a clear path and reached the planet with no trouble. It turned and flew away after reaching the planet (that's where it dropped the troops I presume) and the planet report then showed my forces occupying the planet.
I would have expected the planet to go to my control at that phase, but there was no ground combat and the planet remained in enemy hands. I've gone ahead and glassed it now and will just land a colony on it next turn. My main reason for attacking this AI was that his homeworld was about 3 sectors away from the warp point into my home system and his ships keep blockading my other warp points. The sooner I get rid of him, the more territory I will have to myself.
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