How to use an avatar..
1) right click on the image of the avatar you want. (lower in the thread)
2) select "copy shortcut"
3) go to your profile page. (by clicking on the "my profile" link at the top left of the forum page)
4) select "view/update profile".
5) scroll down the page a bit and click on the link called "Select a different avatar image" (It's just above the 'Signature' text entry box)
6) A new window will open and near the botton is a window called "Use Custom URL" Delete any old info in this window and then press ctrl+v to paste the new avatar URL
7) Click on the set URL button. (you should see your avatar appear in the top left of the window)
8) Click on the "Select this Avatar" button beside the pic and close the window if it does not do so itself.
9) Scroll to the bottom of your profile page and click on the "Update Profile" button.
10) come back here and edit one of your Posts or make a new post to see your new avatar in action.