Ra´ntegoth stood silently on the battlefield. The sky was clear and a great silence had descended between the armies.
Army? They were 41 altogether. 8 proud kings, the mighty kraken Jolkuna, a queen, 21 shamblers and 10 men of clay formed in the last minutes. How could they hope to win?
On the other side stood the cavemen, laughing arrogantly at the sight of the little force who dared to oppose them. The Agarthian army consisted of 300 men, led by their glorious Phoenix god and Ulnun, the ancient oracle. Several golem crafters supported them and Blassyr, the mighty ancient one prophet, would lead the charge.
Beside Ra´ntegoth Cyaega raised his staff and thrusted it heavily to the ground. Rain started to fall from the sky and an overwhelming roar was raised from the cavemen. At the same time Bael, the phoenix cracked his beak and every bow of the Agarthans numerous archers was set ablaze. The battle had begun.
Magma bolts and blade winds rained over Ra´ntegoth as he danced forward, evading the hailstorm of magic and flaming arrows. A hundred meters to the left he saw Jolkuna crawl forward with amazing speed. Beside him ran Gujuk, Mashdagu and Balboo forth with desperate battlecries.
And then he was surrounded by enemies. Agarthans with heavy armour and swords at all sides. He ducked and parried like a whirlwind until a red curtain of blind rage swept him away.
He fought like in a bad dream. Flesh and blood and voices crying in pain and fear. The tireness grew but the cavemen kept swarming upon him. Vaguely aware of Balboo falling down behind him, he knew he would collapse any second. "I will die too." he thought, and he welcomed it.
He raised his frost brand for the last time to strike one more foe before giving in to the eternal peace, but there was noone there. Looking hazily around, he was standing alone on the battlefield. Alone? No, Jolkuna still crept forward like a huge nightmare of ancient times. The dead lay everywhere, hundreds of bodies.
Bael the Phoenix still stood proud and fearless. Alone, waiting for the kraken. But his eyes were dull and absent from the effort of calling forth fire in the heavy rain.
Ra´ntegoth watched as Jolkuna ,almost gently, stretched out a tentacle and picked the bird up to her monstrous beak. Bael gave a faint squeak as his neck snapped...
...and it was over.
(and for the record, those kings are pretty tough
