You're right Val, assault shuttles don't work. When you give it the order you get a "This vehicle cannot capute." error or something like that. Not sure why.
I already knew that transport fighters wouldn't work, something carring cargo inside a another cargo bay sounds pretty werid.
Ion Cannons seem to work fine though. So unless I make some small shuttle sized ship, capital ships will have handle the boarding (maybe I can describe them as short range fast shuttles
Hyperdrives are working fine, to repair them I made a 0 building 1 repair space yard called "Hyperdrive Motivator" and I also gave it an armor because it always seems to be damaged first.
Ok basics of these mod are:
Most standard techs are moved into a "Standard SE4 tech" (that once all races get their own techs should never be selected) and every race has acces to exclusive techs via for example a "Star Trek tech" plus a "Federation tech" racial traits.
That's why I asked wich techs would be shared with other races, those go to the "Star trek tech".
If necesary we can add a racial trait to add techs shared by a sub-group but not all Trek races.
About shipsizes:
One of the technologies only available to races with the "Standard SE4 tech" is Ship Construction, so each race gets a set of custom ship sizes under their exclusive techs.
That's also one of the few techs I already started for all races, since I want it to increase the contrast between races.
For example the Federation gets
Saber Class Starship (310 kt), Defiant Class Escort (355 kt), Norway Class Starship (622 kt), Miranda Class Starship (655 kt), Intrepid Class Starship (700), Excelsior Class Starship (2022), Akira Class Starship (2066), Sovereign Class Starship (2075), Nebula Class Starship (2082), Galaxy Class Starship (2156)
Peregrine Fighter (27), Danube Runabout(83)
Note that tonnage was made using known tonnage or estimations and scaled up or down using a variable scale to make logical SE4 sizes.
(I used the same variable scale for ship from all races, big federation ships like a GCS are half of its real size, but bigger ships form other races such as Earth Omegas or Imperial Star destroyers to a 10th part (~5000kt), and bigger ships are even more reduced, so don't complain)
It needs to be revised to correct:
1- I had ordered ships by size not by tech, that need to be corrected and add some penalty to big low tech ships and bonus to small high tech ships.
2- There are many some needed sizes missing, including stations missing. Some other races have only 1 or 2 starships.
I'll update my ST-Fed shipset to include all needed pictures once revision is finished (using neo-standard names if necessary, like I'm doing with THE Empire).
At least I'm trying to make things balanced with original SE4 techs, so you are not in a great advantage or disadvantage when playing against someone with the "standard SE4" racial trait.
I had posted a link to an old Version that includes all racial traits and ships sizes. I'm revising the starwars size and added sw and b5 tech, but the part that concerns startrek hasn´t changed.
I'd post an updated Version but I'm having a little FTP problem with my site and I'm still awaiting for my host's reply. And I'm too lazt to post it here or somewhere else.
Some ideas that may help:
Torpedos can be different from standard SE4 topedoes.
If you make beams like APB (wich is very strong among SE4 weapons) but better, compensate it with some disadvantage like bigger size, or longer reload rate.
Giving Transporters fighter/sat/mine lay/load abilities sounds like a good idea, but I'd make it small and just let it put the cargo in normal cargo bays.
Unless it stacks, it't ok to have Holodeck training bonus in all the sector, crews beam on board to use the it.
ECM can be replaced by just making their ship hulls have lower to-hit chance compared with ships of the same size of other races.