A very impressive pounce, well done calmon!
As for the rest of you bums,is it bad form to quote yourself?
2) The big map and lots of VP provinces will make it more difficult for a player to get a cheap win by pouncing on a bunch they can't hold with TP etc, but not impossible. In fact it's pretty likely that someone will go for it once they are in spitting distance. So, Beware the Pounce - fortify your VPs!
Actually, i'm as guilty as everyone else- i left a 2 pointer undefended 'cause i thought it was Mictlans, dangnabit.
I count 12 in Marignon proper and 15 by TP which is 2 extra just to be on the safe side. I saw at least 2 others that were clear too, plus one of my own that had a fort building. Was that all in one turn?
Kind of a weird short game, but fun for me nonetheless. Thanks to Zenzei for subbing and, of course LLama for hosting!