*deletes currently being written post*
Uh... Before I read parone's post I had a totally different interpretation of what you said

Ah well, it was a pretty epic post, it makes me a bit sad to lose it, but it's better this way.
Yskonyn: Thanks for having taken me for sub. I was a bit miffled when I first received the save file and wondered what the **** I had thrown myself into, but now I can genuinely say that I'm having a ton of fun. I've performed a literal MIRACLE through basically suicidal plans (and a few fortunate events) that actually all paid off minus one very small setback, and turn 12-15 are probably the highlight in my strategy gaming career. I've actually saved a copy of turn 12 (ie. when I took over) and 15, so that if I ever need an ego boost, I just have to load both saves and look at the massive difference between them. I'm actually even starting to have some tiny hope for the future! Even if those hopes turn out to be false in the future, I have to say I'm enjoying myself, so a big thank you!
Regarding site searching, what I usually do in regular games (ie. not this one) is some low-level searching with some cheap mages so that it doesn't impact either my research or income much. The vast majority of sites are low level, so it's good enough to get some minor gem income going: That income is then used for the site-searching spells. Site-searching spells have the advantage of taking one turn for a search instead of 2 (since you have to move) and they find all sites (and mages with 4 points in a skill are exceedingly rare in the first place), so that's what I usually go with. The big exception is if I have a rainbow pretender, in which case I leave the majority of the site searching to him/her (but not necessarily all). It might not be the most optimal strategy, but that's what I usually go with