Stellar Manipulation
In the late game it's a nice trick to build a Ship with the Ability to open/close Wormholes. Then your are able to teleport a whole fleet itself into another system. Problem: The Fleet cannot execute any Stellar Manipulations. You have to separate that ship from the fleet, you have to open the Wormhole, then to move both fleet and ship through the wormhole and afterwards you have to close it again (okay, not neccassary but when you want to clean up). So: 1. It would be great if fleets are able to manipulate Systems, now they are not. 2. It would be also great, if you add another stellar option the "Warp Option", or whatever you call it. That means, that the work procedure "open Wormhole", "go through wormhole", "close wormhole on other side" is shortend.
AI - Setting
We are able to give all AIs boni in all generated ressources, if I am right. I want to 1. give boni to special races (I want the Borg for my final war, but the pretorians are only cannon fodder etc., so only the borgs should have boni) and 2. give special boni to the races. So perhaps I want to give them all cool ressources, but no research points.
Furthermore it would be a good option to be able to set some start locations without working with the map editor. For example I am Star Fleet and want the Borg for a final showdown. Then it would be perfect if I am at the one side of the galaxy and they at the other. Only a thought. Perhaps not possible.
Game - Setting
Setting up a game with 20 players means hard work. You have to edit every Empire for that they are computer controlled. Afterwards you have to check every empire again if they are or not. It's possible to change that.
Flavour - Details
Without any changes for the game it would be nice to see the names of ship captains, cultures of old ruins, planet gouvernors and so on. No Stats, only names for flavour (But Stats are even more cool).
Should show not only the time they were saved, but first of all the game turn (year, month).
The Construction is weird in some ways. You may multiadd objects to build, but you can't multi"subtract". I mean it's impossible to use 100 Space-Yard-Bases. You may need 20 sec to multiadd something so they all build but you need half a hour to stop them all.
The Repeat Function could also be improved. Now you can use it to repeat only the first item on the construction list. But it would be 1. more rational to repeat the complete List (first it builds 2 destroyer, then 1 cruiser and 20 mines, then start with the destroyers again) or 2. set some items not to repeat but then the rest (First it builds a research computer and then it repeats and repeats only research facilites - as in Moo2).
Facility Upgrading and Planet Gouvernors
There is an option "Automatically use Indiv. Ministers for
newly built vehicles". Why not for newly colonized planets?
If you upgrade your facilites manually you have a serious problem. There is a colony-list able to show you the planet types (research compound etc.). But from there you can?t reach the construction queue. So it's hard to go into that queues for each planet of that type. Perhaps an update-button would be nice. Press the button and ALL updatable Facilies will go automatically into the construction queue for that planet.
Galaxy - Map
We should customize the indicators. The red triangles for ships from other races are nice, but not more. We should be able to customize it that ways: planets from allies/neutrals/enemies/certain races, the same for fleets. Also for YOUR fleets. Perhaps some other indicators like Black Holes, Sphere Worlds and so on are also interesting or even the possibility of seeing own or enemies planet types (research facilites etc).
General Awareness
If we visit a system we see the colonized planets by another race. When we leave the system we loose all information about that. In other games we see the Last information about such a system and that is a much better way. Also it would be very, very good to see information about planets and ships in the normal view. AND to see DETAILLED information. I think we are able - without any intelligence - to visit Rigel VI and see that it's a planet with very much Factories. Even a very very secret factory world would produce enough signs to say "okay, that planet produces many minerals". No need of intelligence.
The "Next"-Function
Press Ctrl-F or N and you get the next Fleet or lonely ship. In huge games this is kind of hard and unneccassy micromanagement. Some Fleets do I place at locations to guard them. But there is no guard-option. Everytime I want to Ctrl-F through my empire I always get these dumb guardians. I don?t want to see them again, they guard something and should be not of further interest till I wake them. Also it's interesting why bases are shown in that way.
We all need resupply Bases. We don?t want them join our fleets. We want to stop at them and then we want to be resupplied (I assume I can write it that way: We ALL want them)
Automatic Orders
Very nice idea, however, we must be able to edit them, or they are quite useless.
Hundreds of wandering ships of all races laying mines in hundreds of systems in which the only presence of that race are exactly those mines. No, Sir! Don't know what you think about, but I think mines should be placed at locations owned by those races, or am I wrong? Should we're able to go to our neighbours to lay some mines, just in case for war?
Stellar Destroying Manipulations
The destroying of a sun should be a hard, a very hard thing to do. I am speaking about the political situation. It should be more like the use of Nukes in Civilization. A race doing this is an "evil" race. And first of all: It should count as a war declaration. I experienced a not very kind starfleet wandering around and destroying my suns without any war. Hey, they also killed Millions of Traders and Visitors from other races (all in that system at that time) but noone mind. Weird. Disturbing.
New Race Fature
What about a racial trait "good race", "Evil race". Some star destroying weapons and some others only for evil races, the good ones must have a bonus, perhaps better maintainance or whatever. It has to be balanced but so the good races don't wander around devastating the whole universe.
Some nice ideas, some not. For example I don?t know why we need Intelligence Level 2 for general information about a race ot the location of planets. Why we don?t visit the Klingon Homeworld buying a tourist?s leaflet (Welcome at Klingon Homeworld. The Klingons are a very old race ... 31 Star System ... 142 Planets ... a mighty race ... Kahless ... visit the Blood Sea at Rigel IV), that's all we need. We also know if the use Cloaking Devices and whatever, we dont not need Super-Special-Spys for such stuffs. It's enough to hang around in Bars, to trade with them and so on. Level 1 intelligence should be enough.
Customized Key Settings
I want to customize them. It's not cool to use two fingers for my favoured option "next Fleet". Furthermore it would be cool to give certain Fleets certain Keys. So my "Warfleet I" could be on the "1"-key. And so on. You know that from other games.
Please write a new game from scratch.