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Old July 21st, 2003, 02:12 AM

Baron Grazic Baron Grazic is offline
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

Luck of choosing the correct atmosphere plays a big part each game. I've played 2 different Methane games, 1 with breathable planets everywhere and in the other 1, I was lucky to find 10 breathable planets in the whole game.

Grandpa Kim - If I hadn't already played against Tesco who also used a fighter tactic, I would be Extremely scared... I'm more worried about what else you are preparing...

Edit - Sorry, I was reading page 2 when I replied.

Edit 2 - Grazic vs. Grandpakim 2403.8
Things still seem about even still. The EEEvil EEEmpire is located to the West, with Grandpa Kim to the East. We both share the 2 central systems, with Mines blocking Kim from the Northern system, while his carriers are appearing in the southern one.
The EEEvil EEEmpire still claims the advantage, for 3 reasons. Our leader is insane, we still contol first place, and more importantly we have seen more of the Eastern systems, while Grandpa Kim has only entered 1 of the Western systems.
Things are expected to heat us soon...

[ July 21, 2003, 01:24: Message edited by: Baron Grazic ]
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Old July 21st, 2003, 03:23 AM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

Slynky vs. Roanon (turn 53)

Slynky has won, he has managed to play out a clear advantage in technology, training and number of ships. Glad that he won, he could have won in turn 2 if he had wanted - he has chosen ancient and our homeworlds were exactly 1 turn apart.

Very fair from him not to take advantage of it but just to blockade the warp point!
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Old July 21st, 2003, 05:38 AM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

Beer Chuggers Group (Ragnarok) vs Chin Empire (GozGuy) turn 2040.7
So far the beer chuggers have taken it on the chin so to speak. I have tested for mines from time to time and we the Chin Empire cheerfully reports they are still there. I have no trick up my sleeve as I am wearing a short sleeved shirt but I will look else where for them. This is still an even game.
The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but does not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later, someone will come along with a sharper sword and hack off our arms
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Old July 21st, 2003, 05:32 PM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

Trithian Empire (Slynky) -vs- Kilrah Clan (Roanon) 2405.2

(standard KOTH but good starting planet instead of average)

Orange: My homeworld (and colonized systems)
Green: Roanon's homeworld
Purple: Useless systems

This game was just one of those games where I had luck on my side. Lots ( ) of good planets to colonize. Roanon, on the other hand, didn't have such luck. I had many more breathables.

Also, looking at the map, I only had one point I needed to protect (between his homeworld and mine). So, that allowed me to expand counter-clockwise.

At first, I had a mineral problem. It wasn't until I got to the southern part of the map that I found GOOD resource planets. In fact, I had so many resources after a while, I was building research facs on places that had resources in the 120% .

Roanon made some good moves in the south at location #1. Captured a planet of mine (and the different atmosphere population that would have helped him out a LOT). He made several other advances toward me in that area but I was able to hold him off. I think he attacked sooner than he wanted to but he kinda had to try and take advantage. But, I had nearly 20 LC's just off the line and planned a return attack. One move before I was moving out my sweepers and fleet up north at location #2, he attacked through the wormhole between our homeworlds and lost his entire fleet. I moved through the next turn and cleared his side of the wormhole and glassed a breathable of his. After those two turns (and seeing my fleet beside his homeworld and the tech on the ships), he decided it was time to call the game. I'm glad it ended that way because those who have lost to me know that I don't like to follow through with "glassing runs". It's like chess...when it seems apparent that you're going to be checkmated in a number of moves, it's just better to admit it and flip your king over. Besides, I was 4 turns away from having another colony type tech and over 90,000 in research a turn.

Roanon is quite good and will be even better with the discussion we had, I think. We chatted quite a while after the game was over and I hope I gave him some good tips to help his game. He's a great sport, a nice guy, and, given an opportunity to play, will play and play and play! We did 52 turns in 2 days...Friday and Sunday!
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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Old July 23rd, 2003, 04:03 AM

Baron Grazic Baron Grazic is offline
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

Grazic's EEEvil EEEmpire vs Grandpakim's Confederation 2404.7

2 turns ago the stalemate of the 2 central systems ended...
The EEEvil EEEmpire ordered a small fleet of 3 ships to attack Grandpakim's Northern colony which was defended by fighters and no mines. The Colony and fighters were destroyed with 1 EEEvil ship lost and 1 highly damaged (since destroyed). The surviving anti-fighter ship just cleared the Northern System of all Grandpakim's fighters.

At the exact same time, Grandpakim's Carrier fleet attacked our southern colony. His fleet cleared 98 mines, with the Last 2 mines destroying 1 ship and damaging a carrier. The colony defending itself well destroying 82 fighters before being captured.

In effect we now both own a cental system each but things will now start to get interesting as we now have to guess the opponents next moves.
Can Grandpa Kim take advantage of the EEEvil population?

[ July 23, 2003, 03:05: Message edited by: Baron Grazic ]
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Old July 23rd, 2003, 05:01 AM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

Originally posted by Slynky:
Now, Samuli, I certainly don't know everything about people in SE4. BUT, I can't think of ANYONE who is the master of Expansion like you are. You're a genius!

So given equal systems, I think you are a match for anyone!

Uh-oh. I'm sorry. I may have derailed your attempt to make people think you aren't an excellent player.
Don't worry Asmala I know you suck. Heck I've never lost a game to you. Slinky used to say things like that about me untill he wupped by butt.
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Old July 24th, 2003, 02:36 AM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

Originally posted by Baron Grazic:
Can Grandpa Kim take advantage of the EEEvil population?
Damn betcha!!
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Old July 24th, 2003, 06:04 AM

Baron Grazic Baron Grazic is offline
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

Grazic's EEEvil EEEmpire vs Grandpakim's Confederation Update - 2404.9

The EEEvil Fleet with 50+ ships just attacked the southern central system of Hwansul. Grandpa Kim had a small transport loading the EEEvil un-breathers from the captured planet and it just left in time, before our fleet destroyed the captured EEEvil colony.

A few questions remain unanswered. What happened to Grandpa Kim's Fleet that was stationed in the southern system? Can the Transport get away safely or will it be chased down and captured? Will Grandpa Kim notice that the EEEvil Fleet doesn't have any Sweepers?
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Old July 26th, 2003, 07:10 AM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?

The benevolent Grandpakim deigns to answer one of these poignant questions.

Pre-dawn Fleet is hiding in fear from the awesome fleet-of-fifty!

The Baron's minions are even sneakier than mine, but he doesn't know the territory. Which way to go? Believe me, they are all bad! >>insert smilie with halo at this point<<
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Old July 26th, 2003, 08:39 PM
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Default Re: Are you tough enough to be the "King of the Hill"?


Not much going on, it seems. Guess the days of "marathon" games have come quietly to an end. I suppose that means people actually have a life to live... . DRAT ! ( )

[ July 26, 2003, 19:40: Message edited by: Slynky ]
ALLIANCE, n. In international politics, the union of two thieves who have their hands so deeply inserted in each other's pocket that they cannot separately plunder a third. (Ambrose Bierce)
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