Randallw said:
I saw the first 3 episodes of this season last night. I get the idea that situation is past but I have to agree it looked like a critique of Iraq. The humans fight the Cylon occupation with suicide bombing, the Cylons have a police force treated as traitors by the others and who wear masks to protect their identity, and the Cylon conquerers who claim to be allies of the "legitimate" government force said government to sign the execution order with a gun to their head.
Iraq is far from the only parallel, the Nazi occupation of France is a much better fit. The scene at the end of Precipe, the one with the execution, is a direct reference to some war film.
Last time I looked, the Americans in Iraq are not rounding up random people off the street and carting them off into the desert to be executed. I don't see any evidence that the iraqi security forces are reguarded as traitors or collabtors by the major of the iraqi populus, either. These are the people who turned out in massive numbers to vote for a government, remember.
You also have the sectarian conflict in iraq which is to a certain degree seperate from the conflict between the americans and the islamic militants, which the media likes to tar under the same bursh - insurgants. None of that is reflected in the New Caprica story. You just have the cylon occupiers and the colonial resistance, a much better fit for occupied France indeed, all of occupied europe and, as others have said, occupations throughout history.
Yes, there are iraqi elements; suicide bombings (though this is also applicable to palestine and, further back in history, lebanon) and the term insurgant though, again, this term was used in Vietnam and, IIRC, Algeria. Some of the cylon rhetoric also echos some of the american rhetoric.
I also think it is unfair to BSG to say they're "supporting" one side other the other; the new caprica resistence are not exactly depicted as angels, especially if you go and watch the webisodes.
PS. The galactica airdrop was
wicked cool.