BTW. I splited the Rebel Alliance in 3 factions.
Rebel Alliance (lots of hero's)
Mon Calamari (bigger ships)
Bothan (stronger Intelligence)
And because of the fact that my mod starts 10 years after RotS, it is possible to get 'Obi Wan' and 'Yoda' hero-components (both still alive in this period)
Also added a lot of characters from the 2 major triologies:
Grand Admiral Thrawn
Admiral Daala
Tol Sivron
Dr Wqi Xux
And the Noghri. (unique planet trait)
another unique planet trait is Kashyyyk, which gives the Rebel player Wookiee groundforces....
But (please) see for your self...........
(I still need that d*mn*d SW map, so if someone has one or wants to make one
