
January 20th, 2006, 09:09 AM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
Don't forget to vote! 

January 20th, 2006, 07:27 PM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
Go belkar! 

January 20th, 2006, 09:42 PM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
sorry for taking so long getting here, iv been somewhat busy.
heres my character, you can look it over and veto it or something
Level 15 Druid xp: 105000 male human
str: 12 feats: spell focus cojuration
dex: 14 augment summoning (+4 str and con)
con: 16 spell penetration
int: 14 greater spell penetration
wis: 28 empower spell
cha: 10 improved initiave
improved critical scimitar
ring of pro +4 quaterstaff +12/+7/+2 1d6+2 x2
periapt of wisdom +6 flame blade +12/+7/+2
amulet of health +4 1d8+7 15-20/x2
gloves of dex +4 AC: 23 touch 17 flat footed 20
lavender and green ioun stone initiative +7
+4 leather armor speed 30 ft
bag of holding type I Fort 13
1500 gold Ref 8
boots of speed Will 18
quaterstaff (spellstaff finger of death)
concentration +21 handle animal +18 knowledge nature +22 listen +27 spellcraft +20 spot +27 survival +29
0th 2x detect magic, light, read magic, know direction, cure minor wounds
1st 3x cure light wounds, entangle, jump, 2x produce flame
2nd barkskin, cats grace, 2x flameblade, resist energy, spider climb, wood shape
3rd call lightning, 2x cure moderate, greater magic fang, meld into stone, 2x poison
4th air walk, cure serious, dispel magic, 2x flame strike, freedom of movement
5th baleful polymorph, 2x animal growth, call lightning storm, commune with nature, stoneskin
6th 2x greater dispel magic, transport via plants, wall of stone
7th control weather, changestaff, animate plants
8th finger of death, earthquake

January 20th, 2006, 09:43 PM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
sorry for the odd format

January 21st, 2006, 01:16 AM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
The format's mildly annoying, but what I'm concerned with is that I'm having some difficulty getting a few things to match up; for example, with a Dex of 14 (+2), and improved initiative(+4), your initiative roll should be running at +6, not +7.
Likewise, what route did you take to get your Wis 2 points over Kaylin's Int? 18 base + 3 level up (+1 at 4th, +1 at 8th, +1 at 12th) + 6 (Peripat)=27, not 28. If he's middle-aged or something, that could work, but something seems slightly off.
Would you mind being explicit with your calculations for such things?
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.

January 21st, 2006, 01:50 AM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
sorry, should be 6 init, also should be 12 fort, got wisdom higher by being old (should have mentioned this, +2 mental stats -3 physical) and a +1 tome (16+3+6+2+1) all my stat bonuses are in there
all other numbers should be right, ask me if there other numbers you feel are off

January 21st, 2006, 01:56 AM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
also AC should be 22 and touch 16, ref should be 7, it seems for some reason I was counting my dex as 16, sorry about that

January 21st, 2006, 02:33 AM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
Those were examples, not exhaustive; a few more:
Peripat of Wisdom and Amulet of Health consume the same body slot, by default; I consider Wisdom as Discernment, Constitution as Protection for fungibility purposes; if you're a crafter, Constitution can also qualify as a Physical improvement... but only if you're crafting for yourself.
I see neither a spell components pouch nor the Eschew materials feat; how do you plan on casting, say, Spider Climb?
So... base stats were:
str: 15 (8 points)
dex: 13 (5 points)
con: 15 (8 points)
int: 11 (3 points)
wis: 16 (10 points)
cha: 8 (0 points)
= 34 point buy?
Needs 32.
However, at 15th, you pick up timeless body....
Tell you what; you can ignore one step's worth of aging penalties (hit that critical birthday just after gaining 15th....) so you're down on Str/Dex/Con by one point each (as middle aged), but up by two points each on Int/Wis/Cha (as Old); it's a class ability, it's there to be used.
Also, you do need to list consumed equipment (such as the Tome of Wisdom +1), as it's coming out of your wealth, and affecting your stats; it's a little tricky to divine that kind of thing when checking over the statistics block. It also helps to have the book market value of the equipment listed by the equipment, for (my) convinience when checking wealth levels.
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.

January 21st, 2006, 03:12 AM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
so scrap the ioun stone (40000) get a +4 con item as a headband (8000 extra) and a belt of str +4 (16000) add a spell components pouch with materials for 2 stoneskin (around 500 not sure how much pouch costs) which should leave me with around 17000 gold (40000 + 1500 - 8000 - 16000 - 500)
point out anything else obvious, otherwise you can wait till I link the char sheet (spells are hellish) which should show most the calculations

January 21st, 2006, 03:33 AM
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Re: OT: Narf has gone looney and wants to GM.
A spell components pouch is all of 5 gp ( Link), and is assumed to contain any focus and material component that:
a) is not too big to fit in a pouch (focuses only) (so a divination counters for Find the Path are in there, but the staff for Spellstaff is not)
b) does not have a specific cost (so spiders for Spider Climb are in there, but the diamond dust for Restoration is not)
c) not a holy symbol (not really applicable to a Druid - the Holly and Mistletoe have an expense line of -, so you have it free of charge, but included for completeness)
Expensive material components can be placed in your Spell Component Pouch (and are thus readily available), but must be purchased and tracked.
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
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