
June 10th, 2009, 10:50 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Bloody armies. They just get in the way of the guys doing the real work.

June 11th, 2009, 10:29 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I thought I had you there, what with all those knights. Part of why I like this game so much is because of the absurdly good opponent quality. So thank you for helping me out with my future LA Ermor planning. I really like the nation, and I'm trying to find ways to make it competitive post patch.
I LIKED that legion, however, and will eat the marrow from your bones until I feel better. Nothing personal.
(Ugh, who knew that I'd be laid low by vine shields and good bodyguard placement?)

June 12th, 2009, 12:03 PM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Over the last few months, the forests of Utgard have grown at twice the normal rate from the amount of size-4 fertiliser deposited by the prospect of tackling those knights!
It was very close. I thought I could clear the main undead horde okay, but those knights were another matter. If I hadn't killed so many of them in the first battle I doubt I could have won the second.

June 14th, 2009, 01:31 PM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Are there any dwarven hammer resellers out there? (Man gently inquiring.)

June 15th, 2009, 06:48 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Well that's it for Marignon. Didn't have too much to work with when I subbed in, but put up some extra fight.
Congrats to the player who finished me off (leave it to the player in question to post their identity if they wish). Happy with how long I managed to hold out, but can't say I'm too happy with how much of a fight I put up. Felt confident of holding out against at least your first siege attempt, but Holy Prye really didn't do the damage I thought it would. Should have scripted Flame Cloud from the off on reflection. Also a bit annoyed my communion master cast Blade Wind. Since despite the damage it caused on your ranks, it also destroyed the fatigue of the communion slaves because they didn't have Earth paths, so they lost all their casting ability as a result. But then again an Earth comm master allowed me to cast group Earth Power for the re-invig. Who knows?!?
Enjoy the rest of the game everyone, and best of luck in controlling Ermor without the ultimate Ermor killers around to help out
Calahan, Steward of Marignon.
ps. I have sent my final .2h file in, which many players forget to (out of those few who stick around to the end that is)

June 15th, 2009, 03:14 PM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Thanks for playing, Calahan. I'm sorry it didn't work out better for you.

June 15th, 2009, 03:49 PM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
No worries Greg. I only took on the Marignon position because it was pretty bad. To be honest I sub quite often but never take on 'good' positions, and always prefer to take the no hopers instead. As I feel that helps keep games more balanced for all the players by not giving away easy nation scalps due to the AI's ineptitude. Plus it's always easier to find subs for good positions rather than bad ones. (not that finding subs for any position is an easy task)
Got your PM about taking over Ulm. Will have to decline unfortunately. I'm already close to my limit on games, plus Ulm are doing too well for me to take them on 
Last edited by Calahan; June 15th, 2009 at 04:14 PM..

June 16th, 2009, 01:46 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
I must confess that you made things (almost too) interestng, as your front line held out longer than I expected and my flying Vanjarl did not reach your holypyre/fire cloud spaming mages as soon as I had planned.
You've taught me some subtlties about battle filed placement, for which I thank you.
I hope we can be allies next time insead of foes.
Power is an illusion...

June 16th, 2009, 06:08 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Cheers Aethyr
I was also quite impressed by how long my front line held out. Think I got lucky in that the fighting was happening in the gateway, which is perfect for the side with the magic advantage as all the units are fighting head-on in a 2x2 grid, so no swarming can occur, meaning extra numbers are just evo fodder.
Also think it's usually a good idea to keep units well away from commanders during siege defences. As there is a danger that if you put small groups of units on 'Guard Commander', all that does is give a valid target to the opposing thug fliers set to 'Attack Rear'. So in effect all you are doing is giving them a bee-line to your commanders, which usually ends badly (unless the guards can fight off flying thugs).
Look forward to playing in future games with you, be thee ally or foe
All the Best

June 17th, 2009, 08:41 AM
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Re: Pyrothere - LA slowpace - Game on!
Forget until today to mention I will not be able to access my computer for a week. I think that translates into the next 2 or 3 turns.
I am sorry for the inconvenience.
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