Nazi German OOB
Some minor twinks.
Missing (oh, there is always something missing in Ger OOB..)
- StuIG 33. Basically a StuG III with 15cm IG. 24 used in Stalingrad and Winter Storm
- SiG II Bison. Again around 20, 15cm on Pz II chassis, open topped. Africa only.
Minor gripes:
- Armoured Trucks. Italy has them. They were extensivly used as makeshift APCs in COIN ops in Balkans.
- The 7.5cm and 10.5cm PAW in FJ formation should be artillery class, not inf-at
- That was prolly beaten to death, but FG-42 was more a BAR-like weapon and not the squad main armament. Would perfectly fit as LMG squad with 2-3 of those tho.
- The 7.5cm IG 18 was issued HEAT rounds (penetration circa 60mm) for emergency AT defense.
- unit 432 Pz IIIm is showing icon with a short-barreled gun while the unit has long 50mm
- I would suggest lumping ADGZ, ex-dutch and ex-french Armoured cars in one formation - they all were anti-partisan vehicles mostly and seldom appeared in frontline units
- There are 2 instances of Fw 189 Uhu appearing as ground attack plane. I think there could be just one - it wasn't a dedicated ground mover anyway.