Against chaff purgatory is exactly what you're looking for. It will affect 10%/candle of the undead in all provinces. I don't remember the exact amount of damage (I think there was some variable and that it averaged to about 15 pts of damage, probably AP, maybe AN. But don't quote me on that)
Basically it means that if you have 10 dominion in all provinces as you say you do it will eliminate just about all regular undead at once. (It will also frequently leave tougher oponents like banelords and the like afflicted)
Enjoy the fireworks.
Edit: Used the search function to dig up the thread I semi-remembered. Quoting KO:
Checked a bit in the code.
Chance of targeting a unit: 10*dom %
Dmg: 6 ap fire damage (x3 vs undead/demons - which might seem redundant since these are the only ones targeted)
The spell seem quite devastating.