Originally Posted by Fyron
Originally Posted by Urendi Maleldil
... more than 20 empires.
I think that might be a rather large undertaking, depending on how exactly Aaron coded the data and the UI...
I was part of the SEIV beta, and I remember when Aaron expanded the list to 20 empires. I remember him saying something to the effect that it was a matter of changing a few numbers, although I could be mistaken.
Originally Posted by capnq
Everyone whom I know of who did hex-edit the .exe was kicked off the old PBW site for cheating.
I'm usually a single-player person, and I didn't even think about cheaters. I don't see it as a problem for simultaneous games, since they're processed by the game host using a single .exe, but round robbin style games might be tricky. Maybe some sort of flag could be set in the turn file if a person is using a modified .exe, but that's pretty advanced.
I just really want to see some bugs squashed and some abilities that were requested but never delivered added in. (I'm big into modding). It would be great to bring some of the modability of SEV to SEIV. Plus as a writer and editor, that spelling mistake in the Vehicle types field (Vechicle) drives me nuts.
I still believe an AI helper program that would run alongside SEIV is possible, though I'm not a programmer, so I don't know how difficult it would be.