Re: Isn\'t undead a bit too powerful?
I know from playing C'tis (haven't gotten to Ermor yet) that a nice, fat level 5+ antipriest or two can make it very hard to banish undead. And it really only takes a few provinces with an antipriest in each one summoning longdead, backed up with mound kings to collect them, to churn out undead armies in the hundreds. I had no trouble rolling over giants, even with them trying to banish my undead the whole time. In fact, it usefully distracted mages who could be casting much more effective spells.
Still and all, like everything in this game, if you can guess your opponent's strategy, I'm sure there's a counter. Whack the leaders (although try going after a prophet Tomb King. Yow.), or build yourself a POWERFUL priest or two, who can pierce those protective spells, or if you can catch them early enough, grind your foe up in enemies with high defense. Or buy a lot of cheap archers and slingers. They do wonderfully against undead, who have to travel in thick packs and have lousy armor and hp.
There's always something. Unless you're playing the Caelum.