I.National troops
1. Infantry of Ulm
2. Black Forest Guardians (but I wish they were better - I like them because they are a different kind of undead, and I like Guardians' style)
3. Praetorians
4. Lictors
5. Tomb Guards
6. Black Hunters
7. Machaka Hoplites
8. Hypaspists
9. Emerald Guards
10. Imperial Archers
11. Knights of the Unholy Sepulchre
12. Lots of others
1. Black Servant
2. Celestial Soldiers and Servants (wish they were a bit better though)
3. Giant Scorpions
4. Crossbreeds
5. Vine Ogres
6. Fir Bolg
7. Void summons
8. Lots of others
III.Mages (without considering wishing unique mages like Belphegor)
1. Iron Smiths
2. Iron Priests
3. Spectral Mages
4. Arco Priestesses
5. Mictlanis
6. Machakans
7. Prophetic Broken Empire Grand Thaumaturg
8. Rainbow pretender
9. Independent mages (others less likely to expect)
10. The more variety, the merrier
1. Various Pretenders
2. Various immortals
3. Commanders of Ulm with magic equipment
4. GoR'd elite Cave Drake on flying carpet
5. Heroes
6. other eccentric GoR'd units
7. Succubbi
8. Others with character.
I like trying to maintain an elite cadre of troops and to use combined arms tactics to win battles. I like watching battle replays. I like trying new interesting tactics, techniques and units rather than looking for "the best" thing and repeating that ad nauseam. I like following the history of my survivors. I prefer armies to SC's and to mage teams. I enjoy playing with allies rather than free-for-all. I also enjoy single-player games.
VI.Game parameter preferences
Magic research : Normal-Very Slow
Magic sites : 10-50%
Indeps : 4-9
Renaming allowed
VII.What i like most in Dominions 2
I like the style of the design on most levels. I like the unpredictability of combat results, the mortality of practically everyone, and the huge variety of so many aspects of play, and so many potential play styles. I like the detail down to individual troops. I like that the combat system is more realistic and most units are mortal (as opposed to other games where units gain hitpoints from experience, and where humans have so many hitpoints that they have to be hit 50 times with a battleaxe before they die).
VIII.What i dislike in Dominions2 and should be improved in Dominions3
Later game turns get to take a long time, and longer than necessary - some more automation options and convenience orders could be good.
I don't like the balance of supercombattants - I think they should be more expensive to develop single units which can really take on entire armies alone. It's cool that it's possible, but not so nice that it's actually more efficient than building armies.
I don't like the national research system - I don't like that there are powerful spells with low power requirements so that once a nation researches far enough, a low-level mage becomes a better choice than recruiting a bunch of troops.
I don't like the ease and efficiency of casting single spells which can spoil entire armies of national troops. It's cool the spells exist, but I wish they were harder and/or more expensive to cast, and that there were more countermeasures, again so that regular mortal troops were not considered so inefficient.
I'd like to see changes which result in many more troop (and pretender, and summons) types being considered viable into the late game.
Light infantry and cavalry (and low-hitpoint pretenders) should have appropriate changes so that they are not seen as so inefficient. For instance, they should use their speed to avoid melee combat by slower superior troops.
I like that there are supply limits and effects, but I think fatal Disease is too harsh a consequence as currently implemented.
IX. Items - you mentioned these at the start, and then forgot a section for them.
I like almost all items.
I don't like Life Drain, because I think its implementation makes it too strong, they're too cheap, and they promote SC's too much.
I don't like the fast and unlimited payoff of hoarding items.