Originally posted by henk brouwer:
here's a plant names file that I use for my united floral fleet. I saw a plant names file made by someone else a while back, but this one should be quite different. I especially like the more aggressive plant names like death-nettle or deadly nightshade..
That was probably mine. I posted a whole collection in these forums a few months ago that included animals, plants, names of weapons and armor, tools, occult/psychic terms and concepts, Chivalry terms and names from Chivalric literature, Norse, Latin, and Celtic myth, weather terms, and quite a few others including better Versions of some of the lists posted here, plus edited Versions of the standard design names. MM didn't do very good research on some of their design names files. There were a lot of 'collisions' between the various files, too. There are fewer collisions in my modified Versions, though still some. It's hard to have a USSR and a Russian file and not have collisions, for example.
I've collected some of the stuff posted here and have been adding the good ones (like the Egyptian list) to my own collection. Now I don't have to research that one from scratch though I did modify it some. I've researched "Angels" and "Demons" and "Amerind" (Native American Tribes names) on my own now as well as adding some of the files I've seen posted here. I've got 45 names files in all now, and none with less than 100 names!
[This message has been edited by Baron Munchausen (edited 08 July 2001).]