Originally Posted by Incabulos
yeah that was the general idea Ich. So a central area of provinces would a way to do it from what you say. I shall give that a whirl and see if I can make predictable one way connections.
It's pretty easy. Find out how big the table for neighbor connections is. As I said, somewhere about 20. Just connect province number 1 to all the others with .map commands and then look which ones you can't reach anymore.
If you know the size of the table, connect all the provinces in a star fashion. Then have the other connections from outside provinces appear
afterwards in the .map file.
I have to say, while this is technically possible, I didn't really find the concept to be of any interest in a real MP game. If you want to do King of the Hill like maps and games, then you're probably better of to tell the players what to do and state so in the game setup, than using some weird side effect of the game limitations to achieve this effect.