You must be right Narf, DNA made Rossie fat, no wait, that was the spoon. Man I am so confused! Does Rossie use a cell phone? Perhaps that would explain it.
Back in 1986/87 I wrote an essay on things that would happen in the next 20 years. I had to do it as a final for my writing class. I still recall everyone laughing at me when I read it.
I said that by 2000 everyone would have hand size wireless phones. Laughter.
That money would be phased out by credit card type system. Laughter
That Communisium woud fail.
Another shuttle disaster (Actualy I said two and we still have 3 years to go)
Lawsuites agaist Tabocco, Firearm, Car, fast food, and Porn industries alleging damages and other tort thingys.
I also predicted the escalation of youth violence.
These all seemed like likely things to happen in the future.
I also mentioned computers, satellite tv and radio, war in the middle east - Over oil, and increasing terrist attacks here in the US.
That was 16 years ago, and I had no crystal ball to see the future. Like I said, these were things that logic dictated would come about. Technology improves, people still get angry, and lawyers will sue.
I now predict that in the next 20 years, lawyers will sue the Cell phone industry for causing cancer.
That Microsoft will loose it standing in the PC industry as something better comes along.
That as population continues to climb, we will see an increase in the reductions of our rights.
SE V will be a smash hit and sell well for years.