Eisanhans, I'm glad you like my idea.
And I do have a fair amount of knowledge in programming, but I'm not sure I would be up to making actual codechanges to SE4 if it (miracle of all miracles I think we won't see for years to come) became open source since I'm betting we're talking alot of code here. It depends on what language it's in, how it's written (style) and most importantly how well documented it is. Fooling around with another programmers code takes along time. If you just dive in and start changing stuff without really knowing how different parts of the code interact Bad Things can and most likely will happen. And aquiring the knowledge and familiarity with the code needed so you can do that takes alot of time so I doubt there would be many people interested in actually investing all the time and effort needed. But there will always be some and if it one day happens I might even be one of them. Only time will tell.
[This message has been edited by Jubala (edited 11 January 2001).]