
January 4th, 2004, 04:23 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Originally posted by Endoperez:
Create Revenant to summon Banes. Reaching Enchantment 3 takes some research, but you get useful death spells and can use the mage for something better. And you might need Mound Kings to lead your banes... It depends on your death gem income, though. If you get death gems enchantment will propably be worth it, but otherways it might not be worth the work.
If you get your death priest animating dead, Marignon's mage-priests will most propably Banish them instead of casting something else. But then, it might not work and they would fry both your mage and the dead man with a Holy Pyre.
I most definitely do NOT plan to attack Marignon with my undeads !! I'll overwhelm them under sheer numbers if I have to, but I won't risk the few banes I have against a race designed to counter undeads.... And I won't send my devils either.
No I think I'll start with some crossbows (I can recruit some in one of my castles) on fire and flee, protected by expendable slaves and cheap warriors. Hopefully I can take out their heavier units that way, and only have to deal with the lighter ones afterwards...
So far my death gems income is at 1/turn, but I have a large number of provinces to explore. It seems that, not too long from now (say in 20-30 turns) I'll have to do something about atlantis. Throwing them back into the seas shouldn't be too difficult, but I really should find a way to follow them there, and undead might be a solution. I have some 2 water 2 blood priests, they should be able to enter the sea, and lead some undeads, right ?
Coming back to Marignon, I have just had a front seat in two battles they fought against some tough indies (bloodhenge druids with dark vines). These battles cost them most of their heavy infantry, but they still field right now about 20 flagellants, 80 militia and light infantry, 10 medium infantry (swordsmen mostly), 1 paladin and 2 knights. They also have an inquisitor and a friar. If I can gather my forces fast enough, I might try for an early strike while they are somewhat weak, specially if they follow up in the next indies provinces (vine and vine ogres, and the next one has more dark vines...)
[ January 04, 2004, 14:31: Message edited by: General Tacticus ]

January 4th, 2004, 04:46 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Ooh an AAR! How delightfull.
EU2 1.08beta, HOI 1.06/CORE 0.81, Vicky 1.03 (and Beta), Dominions II 2.11

January 4th, 2004, 04:58 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Nice writing. Snag a few screen-captures and toss just a couple html tags it would make a nice site link just as it is. Many people have been hoping for some good AAR's
To keep from angering a nation, watch the scoreboard. If you are getting too high in anything, figure it into your strategy. Dont push anything super high just because you can. too many provinces? Well I dont need that little one there so I will pass it by. Too much research? Well I will stop at 1-point short on a couple of categories until I need something there, switch my mages to making equip for awhile. Seiging a castle? Lets not invest alot of troops in taking it. Having the province for taxes or blood hunts is enough for now. Dont let the scoreboard paint you as everyones target until you are ready to be the target. (this line of strategy works for solo and mp play)
[ January 04, 2004, 15:05: Message edited by: Gandalf Parker ]
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)

January 4th, 2004, 06:01 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Originally posted by Gandalf Parker:
Nice writing. Snag a few screen-captures and toss just a couple html tags it would make a nice site link just as it is. Many people have been hoping for some good AAR's
To keep from angering a nation, watch the scoreboard. If you are getting too high in anything, figure it into your strategy. Dont push anything super high just because you can. too many provinces? Well I dont need that little one there so I will pass it by. Too much research? Well I will stop at 1-point short on a couple of categories until I need something there, switch my mages to making equip for awhile. Seiging a castle? Lets not invest alot of troops in taking it. Having the province for taxes or blood hunts is enough for now. Dont let the scoreboard paint you as everyones target until you are ready to be the target. (this line of strategy works for solo and mp play)
Well not getting too high is not yet a problem except for castles. I already got one from pangea, and I have my eyes on an other from Marignon. Do you think having 4 castles where the other nations have 2 will cause problems ?
I could delay the inevitable by razing and rebuilding them (a watchtower and a mausoleum, I prefer my fortress), but the one from pangea at least is very well placed, and I really want it...

January 4th, 2004, 07:28 PM
Shrapnel Fanatic
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Originally posted by General Tacticus:
Well not getting too high is not yet a problem except for castles. I already got one from pangea, and I have my eyes on an other from Marignon. Do you think having 4 castles where the other nations have 2 will cause problems ?
I could delay the inevitable by razing and rebuilding them (a watchtower and a mausoleum, I prefer my fortress), but the one from pangea at least is very well placed, and I really want it...
Im not sure. Im still kindof testing it. Provinces seems a definate one. Army and Dominion maybe. Still trying to figure out what the AI looks at. Of course with humans in multiplay all of them are something to consider 
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)

January 4th, 2004, 07:54 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Originally posted by Gandalf Parker:
Im not sure. Im still kindof testing it. Provinces seems a definate one. Army and Dominion maybe. Still trying to figure out what the AI looks at. Of course with humans in multiplay all of them are something to consider
Well, I'll go on building forts, we'll see what the ai does

January 4th, 2004, 08:43 PM
Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
[quote]Originally posted by General Tacticus:
Mictlipoctli the king of legends
Be careful with this unholy priest, he is able te reanimate undeads but unable to cast unholy spells (bug ?). So, no Protection/Power from the Sepulchre even after a Sabbath...

January 4th, 2004, 08:44 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Superb, very good job. I am eager waiting for the next installment.

January 4th, 2004, 10:21 PM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
The arrival of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent
The sun had set some time ago, but Tacticus Sanguinus, the Great God, was still gazing at something far away, as he had been for 2 hours. Gazing to the North. The majordomo was worried. The God was angry, and this was not a good time to be kneeling near Him. Moving near Him, however, would almost certainly result in swift death, and leaving without being dismissed would anyway be a grave breach of etiquette, something that would get a majordomo fired. Literally, while his heart was torn from his chest and, if he was found worthy, devoured. No, better to keep kneeling and stay very, very quiet.
Then, from the south, came the sound of wings. The majordomo threw a quick glance – it was a great feathered serpent – it was the Feathered Serpent himself, Quetzalcoatl, the Lawgiver, and once his master. Even in serpent form, there was a great scar where his heart should have been. But the majordomo had seen the Great Jaguar defeat the Great Feathered Serpent on this very place, and tear away his heart !
- I see you have found yourself a new heart, said the God.
- Your instructions were very clear. I am now ready to serve you, O My Master.
There was a blur, and there was a man where the Serpent had been. He went to stand beside Tacticus Sanguinus.
- Tell me, O My Master, what you are looking at.
- Today a few malcontent took what they could carry of their property, and started a trek North. They plan to leave my lands, cross the lands of the Atlantis half men to the North, and settle in the land of Man. I have been too busy with the Marignon campaign of late, and have paid too litle attention to my people, I fear.
- Allow me to offer my congratulations on your brillant victory, O My Master. Defeating Marignon in barely one year is truly a great accomplishment.
The God smiled sadly.
- It was only their american outPosts. And they had overextended, expanding into those Dark Vines provinces with their pesky druids. Still, I feel it was very well planed, and reasonably well executed. I am pleased with Nanauatzin, the Priest King of Tiahuanaco. Not only was he the first priest to swear fealty to me, but he has proved a reasonably competent leader as well. And the number of soldiers killed on both side is truly a tribute to my Greatness.
- Yes my lord, I was there to witness some of the desperate counter attacks from Marignon in Xique Xique. They killed two of our warriors for each of their soldier who fell, a spectacular fight ! And I have heard of the earlier encirclement in Piaui, where you surrounded half of their armies and then had their peace emissary sacrified with the full ritual, in plain view of the Marignons. That raised them to a battle fury I could feel from three provinces away.
- Yes, a good war. But my attention has strayed, and from my neglect my people suffered. 6000 of them, a fifth of the population of the capital, have left.
- What shall you do, O My Master ?
- Catch up with them, and make amends for my earlier neglect. I cannot take them back in, nor can I allow them to go to Man, but I can certainly ensure their souls a good place in my service, in their next reincarnation. Will you join me ?
- Your service is my pleasure, O My Master.
- Come then, and we will celebrate your return.
Tacticus Sanguinus, the Divine Jaguar, leapt, and started toward the North. Over him, the Feathered Serpent flew through the skies.
The majordomo carefully stood. Suitable rooms would have to be found for the new guest, and suitable servants. There was much work to do, but work was good. It meant he still lived. While those that had left their position, soon wouldn’t. He threw one Last glance to the North, but the great shapes were already out of sight.
The artists of Mictlan have put together this map for your pleasure : it shows most of the known World. Most of South America is under the rule of Tacticus Sanguinus, but there are two encroachments from the aquatic races : Atlantis to the East, and R'lyeh to the East.
The Marignon citadel in Natal has just been taken, and the victorious commanders are displayed in their glory.
[ January 04, 2004, 20:24: Message edited by: General Tacticus ]

January 5th, 2004, 02:11 AM
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Re: A Tale of Fire and Blood
Nice story, looking forward to the next chapter
World War Scenario, 339 provinces,
Where can i find that?
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