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Old February 8th, 2004, 10:10 AM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

This is my first astral-only Wyrm. My previous ones have been W9S4, typically. I'm trying the good scales and weaker pretender for a change. So far, I like what I've seen.

As far as mages getting munched on at the rear, besides Returning, there's also Body Ethereal and Astral Shield. Not much gets past that combo. And you can stack a lot more defenses on a mage than that. Not to mention that unlike the Wyrm, mages have hands, feet, and body slots.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 10:20 AM

Norfleet Norfleet is offline
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Arryn:
As far as mages getting munched on at the rear, besides Returning, there's also Body Ethereal and Astral Shield. Not much gets past that combo. And you can stack a lot more defenses on a mage than that. Not to mention that unlike the Wyrm, mages have hands, feet, and body slots.
Hmm, yes, Astral Shield. A nice spell, in theory, although I've found it DOES actually promote several rather irritating problems.

Astral Shield, as you know, causes people attacking you to pass out. This is potentially quite handy, but can backfire horribly in one way:

Paralyzation, as you know, is the bane of SCs. When an SC is standing out there alone, he tends to get slammed with everything, and sooner or later, he's going to fail a paralyzation MR save, even with all the best antimagic gear and spells you can stick on him.

He will then spend the rest of the battle as a useless, immobile lump. All is not yet lost, though, as you may have done any number of things, like slap a Charcoal Shield or a Ritual of Returning on him, and he may very well be able to continue thumping people through passive shielding, perhaps even the accursed Astral Shield....

Until that Astral Shield causes one of your opponents to pass out. Assuming nobody is successful in popping your SC, which I've found may often happen, eventually, everyone starts routing. Obviously, your SC is unable to rout, being that he's paralyzed or passed out cold. This means the "is routing" light will flash several rounds until the OTHER side starts their "is routing". Now, ordinarily, this would hand you the victory and leave your SC alive: However, your opponent, too, has become paralyzed or permastunned: So he can't finish routing either, and eventually the battle just goes back and forth as both sides continue to be "are routing". Eventually, a safeguard built into the game, apparently to prevent infinite loops like this, kills everyone. The opponent loses a few units of minimal value. You lose your SC.

Besides, paralyzed/stunned opponents can't hurl themselves to a fiery doom on fire shields.

You're bring along astral mages as your baggage train for your SC, presumably if you're teleporting him....which is almost a must, as, at least for me, I use SCs primarily as fast-response forces to an AI incursion: With normal moving forces, you'd be chasing him around forever and never catching him, or having to second-guess his next move. Quite the pain. With an SC teleport drop, you can land on him and wipe him out. Unfortunately, sooner or later, one of your Astral mages is going to likely pop off a paralyze, when your SC becomes paralyzed.....

And so it begins.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 10:38 AM

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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Not really, it can work in that fashion if you don't plan on it. I wouldn't teleport a SC into the midst of 300+ troops without a force to back it regardless of my intent. Though that is my playstyle. On the other hand, if a mage is scripted to cast Raise Skeletons it will more than likely keep casting it. Thus providing you with more than enough hands to kill those paralzyed creatures.

Of course; this is supposed to be an AAR, not Norfleet's reasons why he has had issues with Astral Shield and/or Wyrms because of his playstyle.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 10:48 AM

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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Agreed. Let's see how Arryn does with it.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 01:48 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Turn #2, Late Spring of year 1
Forces continue to gather.

Travellers from afar bring word that an Ulmish Commander has been appointed as the false prophet of the pretender Ninhursag, while word also reaches us that another false prophet, a Storm General of Caelum, speaks for the pretender Gina. I take no real note of this for now, as my attention is focused on the lands around me. The doom of those heathens is fated.

My faithful Jotun Scout, Bdvar, has successfully sent back a report that the mountain province of Iron Range is occupied by pagans defended by what he estimates to be roughly a score of light cavalry. I make a note to myself to try to confirm this figure over the coming weeks, as mortals often exaggerate, or worse, do not grasp all that there is to see. I do not let this affect my, limited, trust in Bdvar, and I order him onwards to reconnoiter the province of Black Alps (#86) at the base of my peninsula. Black Alps is the source of the river that feeds the fertile farmlands of Ancyrna (#90) northwest of the mountain chain in the Jotun Peninsula, and should be one of the early targets to be brought into my realm.

Peasants also bring me reports that the neighboring plains of Gwyrth (#76) to the northeast are said to be defended by a mixed force of two-score pagan fanatics and archers, while the coastal plains of Zenthra (#72) to my west harbor thirty light and heavy footsoldiers. I make note of this as well and resolve to gather more information.

I am pleased that the Jotun Gode Grymis has heeded my call, bringing with him a pair of Huskarl bodyguards and a spearman to bolster my small, but potent, force of Jotun giants. I reward Grymis by allowing him to contest with Bove, the Herse, to become my prophet. I will pretend to consider the matter carefully over the next few weeks while I continue to research the magics of 'Alteration', but in truth I favor Grymis and have already decided. I have other plans for Bove.

My realm has:
  • 290 Treasury.
  • 223 Income. (unchanged)
  • 104 Resources in the capital. (unchanged)
I make it known to the Fates that I desire the favor of a Norna, and I order Bove to seek out another pair of worthy Jotun Spearman. For this, I have my subjects prepare a suitable offering, which drains the treasury of 280 coins.

There is nothing further to be done, but await the results of my studies and explorations.

to be continued ...
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Old February 8th, 2004, 03:37 PM

Pillin Pillin is offline
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Really like your writing style for this aar!
My only consern is that you might get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome if you keep this length for every turn
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Old February 8th, 2004, 03:37 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Turn #3, Early Summer of year 1
The War against Pythium begins.

Travellers from afar bring word that a Pythium Snake Lord has been appointed as the false prophet of the pretender Kanuka, while word also reaches us that a Vanjarl speaks for the pretender Antu. The knowledge that the kin of my beloved Jotuns have been led astray makes me seethe, but I, as yet, do not know where they reside so bringing them back into the fold must wait. My own heralds have gone forth to proclaim the elevation of Grymis, who shall no longer be known as "the Gode" and shall henceforth be known as "the Prophet". My Dominion has spread from my castle out as far as the borders of the snake-pretender's land, throughout the entire Jotun Peninsula, and even into the Wailwind waters to the south.

Bdvar, my Jotun Scout, observes quietly as the pagans of the Black Alps, numbering 3 commanders, 11 crossbowmen, 9 light and 4 heavy footmen repulse an attack by Pythium forces comprised of a sole centurion, a standard-bearer, 15 velites, and 9 hastatus. The morale of the centurion breaks after Pythium's forces suffer losses of half of the velites, and the snake-worshippers flee the field of battle under continued fire from the pagan's crossbows. The pagan's losses of 4 light and 1 heavy infantry will only make easier my conquest of them of few months hence.

I am pleased at this, and with the apparent weakness of Pythium's attack, though the concerns I had about my position on this peninsula are confirmed. I shall have to be careful, though every day that delays my rightful ascension, and the banishment of all false gods, pains me. Bdvar is also able to report to me that Pythium's citadel (#96) lies just to the northeast of Black Alps, while the lush delta of Saeborea (#65), at the mouth of two rivers, lies directly south of Pythium and southeast of the Alps.

The Norna Lit, possessing the skills of second circle astral, third circle death, and first circle nature mage, has accepted the generous offerings of my people and come forth to lend her aid. She takes over my studies in the magics of 'Alteration' as I muster the giants from their barracks and prepare them to march!

My realm has:
  • 188 Treasury.
  • 223 Income. (unchanged)
  • 104 Resources in the capital. (unchanged)
I command that one of the local wise women, a Seithkona, be found so that she may assist Lit, and I further command that 3 more Jotun Spearman be readied for future battle. For this, I provide 180 coins.

My army of thirteen giants, led by my avatar Jorgun, plus the Prophet Grymis and Herse Bove, set out for the plains of Gwyrth, and destiny.

to be continued ...
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Old February 8th, 2004, 03:38 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Pillin:
Really like your writing style for this aar!
My only consern is that you might get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome if you keep this length for every turn
Thanks! And I already have CT in my left hand (for real).
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Old February 8th, 2004, 03:44 PM

Pillin Pillin is offline
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Oh.. Im sorry to hear that. I hope you didnt find my comment offencive then, it was in no way intended to be.
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Old February 8th, 2004, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: Jotunheim:Utgard AAR

Originally posted by Pillin:
Oh.. Im sorry to hear that. I hope you didnt find my comment offencive then, it was in no way intended to be.
It wasn't, and I never even remotely thought it might be intended as anything other than praise. Thanks again.
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