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Old February 2nd, 2005, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Because it is a "Trek" show people were overly critical. You can't really blame UPN for giving up on the show when it was the die-hard Trek fans trashing it. Now those same fans will start crying about the series ending. (and no, I'm not referring to anyone around here! )

If the show had been judged on it's merits people would have seen that it was a decent scifi show.
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 08:48 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Imperator Fyron said: malicious cookies.
I get a laugh every time someone calls cookies malicious.

hopefully another network picks this up
Like maybe one that I get good reception, and also one that actually ADVERTISES! *Gasp* Imagine that. Between UPN's lack of advertising and their moving the show all around the map, I never knew when Enterprise was on.
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 09:15 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

We saw this coming two years ago. UPN is just a horrid network. Enterprise would have been far more popular if it had gone into sindication like STNG and DS9 had. I love Enterprise and hate to see it go. Even with all of the gay *** violation of established Trek history, it was a good series to watch. In the end they could have explained it all away as a temperal shiver or something.

This is what happens when you let people who hate TOS and STNG run things. Oh well. UPN is just a horrid network.

And on a side note. The quality of Stargate has begun to slip with its last few episodes. I am sickened at how the Sci-Fi channel has adversily influenced the production quality of Stargate SG1. These last few episodes just lack the finished feel that the series has pioneered. They seem more like the fast paced, poorly editted Andromeda series than they do SG1.

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Old February 2nd, 2005, 09:27 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

UPN Sucks raw butt, that's a fact, but I wish that Enterprise would find a new home.
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 09:43 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Lets face it, we all knew that they would be lucky to see five seasons. It angers me greatly that the series was shuffled butted around on that god forsaken crap network UPN, but that is the name of the game when your dealing with idiot dribble like the SOB's that run UPN. Hell my retard stepbrother could run UPN far better than the momma's boys they got now.

And WTF was paramount thinking any ways? It sickens me that they would produce seven years of that shudder inducing, barf summoning Voyager, but cancel ENT after only four simple getting to know you seasons.

This is just a clear indication of how utterly enept the people running Paramount, Star Trek, and UPN are. They refuse to listen to the fans, play shuffle board with the time slots, and employ hack writers to come up with "Romulan" episodes for a series that by all rights SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD Romulans in it.

Oh there was a work around for it, but again the idiot yuppies who were producing Enterprise refused to listen. The show suffored, the fan base evaporated, and now the show is all but failed. This is a sad day indeed. Not since TOS was cancelled have we seen such a thing.

When you consider the fans stupid, and refuse to listen to what they are saying, and go ahead and produce episodes that decimate establish Trek lore, you get burned.

If I were producing Enterprise the first rule I would have had would have been to state that the Romulan Conflict happened BEFORE the series started. Or, even better, have the Romulan Conflict as the catalyst for Enterprise and not this crappy *** temperal war BS that was force fed to us.

The reason that no one knew what the Romulan looked like was because Star Fleet deemed it top secret in order to preserver the Human Vulcan alliance. Hell if people of earth found out that the people they just fought a war with were the direct ansestors of their ally, they would raise holly hell over it.

But oh no, this was to complicated for the Dumb arse over at Paramount to figure out.

The Klingon ridge issue could have been explained away as the Klingons while attempting to appear more human in order to inflitrate the Federation, suffored a horrific biological catastrophy that resulted in the genetic alteration of their appearance and swept through their poplulace like a raging plague.

The Klingons would be embarassed by this and would spend the next 120 years looking for a way to reverse it. This would explain away the differance between TOS and TMP klingons. Again, this was too complicated for the writers to figure out.

I am so PO'ed right now that I need to go do something else.

I should post this over at www.startrek.com

(Remember you cannot use names when making direct comments about poeple because those named might sue you for emotional or professional distress. GD cry babies!)
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 09:52 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Atrocities is right, UPN is a horrid network. They appeal only to the lowest common demoniator (like TNT) and demand more stupid, ethnic sterotypes (like TNT) and only aspire to sthrow more crap at the wall so something sticks (like TNT).

I feel like I'm watching Crusade....

"The series finale will air on Friday, May 13, 2005." Ironic.

Enterprise should have had the following done to it: Fire Brannon Braga. Berman was never a problem, his whole thing is that he makes shows profitable. Braga's whole thing is seeing how many former supermodels can prance around in his lap. Turn the writing staff over to Manny Coto and (if still living) DC Fontana and hire on Wolfe to round off the team. It should have been direct-to-syndication and also focused on an ensemble cast, not a specific three. Berman should not be allowed to 'pad' the music down. And finally, they should have stayed true to their misson statement for the series, not strayed.

But I am glad it got cancelled. Enterprise needed to be put down the moment we found out Reed was a Booty-Guy.
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 10:01 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

I wouldn't say that the show decimated established Trek lore. Some continunity breaches sure, but nothing that any other series didn't do. And to my knowledge, I didn't see any humans meeting Romulans... in fact, the way they did the last episode was quite effective and certainly helps establish future hostilities between the two - which would have started in season 5 by way of the timeline.
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 10:03 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

a series that by all rights SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD Romulans in it.

What exactly was the problem?. As far as I know they had an episode with a Romulan minefield. Ok, that's where they meet. Lately they had the Romulans attacking, but as far as I know you never see a Romulan except by themselves.
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 10:15 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

The latest episodes have had romulans in them.

And for the record, I am not saying anything bad about Enterprise. I like the show. I simply feel, as do 90% of the fan base, that they should NEVER have use Romulans in the way that they did. Watch TOS "Balance Of Terror" and you will see why. Arguements about Romulans being included are nullified by that TOS episode. It should have been the basis for the series bible when dealing with the Romulans. Sure the Romulans could have been in the series, but not in the way that Brandon and company have used them. That is simply to much of a standing insult to the fan base and they made it clear that they are not happy. Four years and the series is toast.

"Why did you cancel Enterprise?"

"Enterprise simply did not meet the needs of our targetted demographic viewer base."

"What exactly does that mean?"

"After many days of targeted selection, we came to the conclusion that Enterprise was simply not deverse enough in its execution to meet the educational abilities of our targetted demographic audiance."

"Excuse me, I don't understand. What exactly does that mean?"

"Enterprise simply was to cerebral for our viewers."

"Then you consider your viewers to be stupid?"

"Exactly. Just look at our programing and you'll see why."
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Old February 2nd, 2005, 10:42 PM
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Default Re: OT: Totally P!ssed off at UPN

Read a good book. Try David Weber, David Drake(Be carefull; some of his stuff goes way beyond R), Eric Flint, Ryk Spoor, Julia E. Czerneda(Beholder's Eye series), Katherine Kerr, Anne McAffrey(Pern series and Brainship series), some of David Eddings(A little preachy in places), Alan Dean Foster(Especially the Flinx books).

And that's just off the top of my head. Those writers can provide a lot more entertainment than just about any tv show, ever.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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