Slick said:
*shakes head*
You know, the US "sue happy" legal system just invites this sort of thing, too. I am not surprised that people in other countries are now trying to jump on the band wagon. You don't see this sort of case being brought in other countries.
Although, I honestly think this "case" won't go anywhere either, as Kwok already stated.
Obviously cases like this DO come up in other countries since well......she's in Russia

but to be honest why would we even hear about other countries' dumbass lawsuites because honestly most of us (no matter what our country of origin) don't care about our OWN countrie's dumbass lawsuites
Hell there was a guy not long ago in the states that sued a guy he got into a car accident with because he claimed that getting rear ended in the accident turned him gay, then his wife sued the guy for $250,000 dollars for ruining her husband's ability to "satisfy her womanly needs".
The defendent said that the guy hit the breaks and there was no way NOT to hit him but mister "I'm gay now" somehow won.
I do love what a friend of mine ahd said though "I thought you got rear ended
after you turned gay?"