
December 21st, 2006, 11:04 AM
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Re: OT: My movie for next year.
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December 21st, 2006, 11:44 PM
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Re: OT: My movie for next year.
Top 3 movies I'm waiting to see:
1: Spiderman 3
2: Resident Evil: Extincion
3: 300
Top 3 things that should be MADE into movies:
1: Halo (PLEASE let it happen)
2: Robotech (but please, not as a cartoon)
3: A: Honor Harrington B: Dahhak C: Starfire (Hate me if you want but we need some more damn Sci-fi movies!!)

December 22nd, 2006, 12:56 AM
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Re: OT: My movie for next year.
"By your powers combined, I AM CAPTAIN PLANET!"
..... can you imagine it..... I can picture Cybil Shepard or maybe Geena Davis as Dr. Blight....

December 22nd, 2006, 01:16 AM
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Re: OT: My movie for next year.
geoschmo said:
Ok, this topic is making me feel old. Transformers and GIJoe were in that group of cartoons that came out after I stopped watcing cartoons. I was well aware of them, but in my mind they were "for kids". So I have to fight the urge to tell you guys you are lame for wanting to see this movie.
Kind of like my parents feel about me going to the Spiderman movies, or the way you guys felt about the Rugrats movies.
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December 22nd, 2006, 03:07 AM
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Re: OT: My movie for next year.
I used to watch the original transformers too a long time ago. I'll go see the movie next year. 

December 23rd, 2006, 02:06 AM
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Re: OT: My movie for next year.
Spectarofdeath said:
Top 3 movies I'm waiting to see:
1: Spiderman 3
2: Resident Evil: Extincion
3: 300
Top 3 things that should be MADE into movies:
1: Halo (PLEASE let it happen)
2: Robotech (but please, not as a cartoon)
3: A: Honor Harrington B: Dahhak C: Starfire (Hate me if you want but we need some more damn Sci-fi movies!!)
They have to make an Empire From the Ashes movie. Why?
For one simple reason: Dahak.
B: is seconded. Totally seconded.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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December 27th, 2006, 08:55 PM
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Re: OT: My movie for next year.
Atrocities said:
Why won't they make a Starblazer movie? I mean you would think that in the hands of a skilled writer and director like the dude who made the LOTR's movies, starblazers could be made into a damn good movie series.
I'd be right behind you in line waiting to see the movie if it was ever made. My favorite anime growing up (of course, I didn't know it was called anime, and I was about 15 when it came to my area). I still haven't seen the 3rd or 4th series yet, but hope to one of these days.
Also, even though I still haven't seen the original series, I wouldn't mind seeing a Robotech movie or two being made. As long as it's live action with good looking CGI, just about any of the old anime series could be done. Unfortunately, I don't think there are too many geeks/nerds out there who'd go see such a movie. Heck, the last time I checked, not even Sci-Fi channel shows anime anymore.

December 27th, 2006, 09:39 PM
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Re: OT: My movie for next year.
Pretty much the only place to find anime, as of late, is Cartoon Network. It's been in the rumor mill for years that CN was going to start an all anime channel but nothing has come of it.
I can see two major obstacles to making live-action anime movies (assuming English language.) First, anime tends to get dumbed-down when it is dubbed into English, imagine how bad that would be in order to sell to a more mainstream audience. Second, anime stories tend to be very long, you're going to lose a lot of content in a two hour movie.
Having said all that, there is a Japanese language Prince of Tennis live-action movie which was actually pretty good!

December 27th, 2006, 10:01 PM
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Re: OT: My movie for next year.
On the topic of Starblazers. I saw the first 2 series when I was really young, maybe 10 or so, and liked it. Years later they brought it back and I started watching it, but for some reason they had the first epiosde and then stopped again. Last year I found the DVD sets and watched it again but as I had grown up I could see it didn't fit my childlike fascination with it. The animation was much worse than I had idealistically thought, and it had been dumbed down somewhat for the western market, a facet I hadn't realised the first time. Characters get killed but the dubbing merely says "oh he was hurt but he'll make a full recovery" and then you never see him again. The Gamellon soldiers get reduced to Robots just so no "real" people are being killed.
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