
June 1st, 2007, 08:40 PM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
Who were the 5? I stopped paying for cable about january and this, some of the FX shows and south park are all I really miss...

June 1st, 2007, 09:11 PM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
Rumor has it that the Sci-Fi channel might be investigating a possible remake of the old 80's Buck Rogers series. I ask you, do we really need a remake of another crappy old TV show?
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June 1st, 2007, 09:14 PM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
Look at all the great Sci-Fi shows that have come along in the last few years only to be killed off before their time. Firefly (IMHO one of the best), Threshold (Inventive and enjoyable), the 4400, Surface, The Deep, etc. With the end of Stargate and BSG the only two shows left that are worth watching are LOST and Stargate Atlantis. I hate Hero's and Doctor Who, but if you like them then you have them to watch as well.. *shudder and gage*
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June 1st, 2007, 11:21 PM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
hmm well I enjoyed BSG but it sort of lost me awhile back. It's not that I'm not interested but a friend gives me the episodes and after the last lot I simply don't feel like bothering him for the rest. It's not them it's me, to use a cliche. I am just not into the way they frame the show. An entire episode about a boxing match? yeah I know it's meant to be representative of something and a vehicle for character interaction but I just plain think boxing is for idiots, sorry. Keep in mind I studied Martial arts for years. Boxing is not a martial art, it's 2 people slowly giving each other brain damage/parkinsons disease (yes, I don't understand why Cassius Clay is so popular). I'll be interested to see how things work out.
Now for my opinion on the other shows mentioned, and again I apologise if people disagree, no problem, it doesn't bother me people like things I find inexplicable.
Firefly: I have seen one episode I sort of liked, and that's because it had a giant Alliance battleship, but the twin problems of space travel mixed with cowboy stuff is silly. Both by themselves are ok, not that I am really interested in cowboy stuff seeing as I'm not american, but gunslingers in brown trenchcoats in space  . The second problem is the intro. Clearly they got their astronomical terms mixed up which sort of lost me just as I was learning what it was.
I don't know the others except perhaps 4400 which if I remember the guy from the future is about to warn them of something when some idiot shoots him.
I love Heroes, and have been a Dr Who fan my entire life, although I must admit I find the behaviour of the latest Doctors somewhat grating. The first new one wasn't so bad, but the latest one
oh, shut the $@%@ up.

June 1st, 2007, 11:21 PM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
has a full rundown of each episode in painful detail.

June 1st, 2007, 11:24 PM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
And let's be honest, Stargate hasn't been the same show for about 4 seasons. It isn't what it originally was. I watch Atlantis, but it is pretty much a "how can we make fun of McKay this week?" kind of thing, which I enjoy, but hardly memorable.
Never got into Lost. Heroes is fun. Watched 2 whole episodes of Firefly and decided it wouldn't make it (and I was right not to invest my time). Space: Above and Beyond was a fun show. Tried to watch 4400, couldn't get into it.

June 1st, 2007, 11:34 PM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
Thanks for the link.
If I only could remember half the things I'd forgot, that would be a lot of stuff, I think - I don't know; I forgot!
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June 1st, 2007, 11:39 PM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
nice site. Maybe I should try writing for it. It's bitter in ways I couldn't bring myself to be
Lost is a prime example of something I learnt. No matter how much you love a show never forget in a year or two you may want nothing to do with it. There is always the possibility circumstances may change.
I always watched Lost in it's first year. Come the second year I sat down to watch it again. My enthusiasm lasted 5 minutes. They introduced some woman I hated on sight. Later on she shoots and kills one of the main characters. I switched off and avoided it ever since. I hear now, what, she got killed? I don't care.
Now I see ads about some new woman who's been there all along but of course on a deserted island after a few weeks/months no one has seen her before, and I don't mean the others I mean someone who was apparently on the plane. But of course now she is important to the plot she is retconned into the series. Please
Disclaimer: it occurrs to me my bitterness is perhaps through some feeling of betrayal I may feel. Sort of, I guess, how you have a girlfriend or wife you love but after the breakup/divorce you despise her.

June 2nd, 2007, 12:14 AM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
Let me get this strait now, you don't like cowboys in space, but you do like a phone booth time traveler?
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June 2nd, 2007, 12:20 AM
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Re: OT: Battlestar Galactica Final Season
I have seen the entire Space Above and Beyond series and I have to say that it really left me feeling stupid for having wasted my time watching it. Not because it was a bad series, but because it was so horribly underfunded and poorly written.
Firefly, either you got it or you didn't. No shame in not liking one of the best Sci-Fi shows to ever hit the air waves. Besides it was good enough to piss off George Lucas, who in turn had some involvement in getting it canceled. To much like Han Solo I guess.
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