Kristoffer O said:
Xietor said:
Is there anyway to automatically rename all of your commanders by the magical paths they have?
How utterly unroleplayish of you! Shame! SHAME!
In other words, no
Yea, I have noticed this. Some players name there mages w2s4d1 etc...
Not only is it very bad for, 'game atmos', it shows up on scouting reports

, so you know exactly what mage is with what army...double
I am for roleplaying or amusing names, if I rename my commanders. Such as 2 gargoyles, one with the harvest blade (chops peoples legs off) and the other with Picus's/Procas's Axe of Rulership (chops arms off), together they are called Chop Suew. Well, I thought it was amusing...