Originally Posted by Xrati
One great reason for the scenario hack editor... RENAME your units!!!
I find myself going through the unit purchasing menu actually looking at all the differnt units available in the game. Coming from SPWaW it is unusual to see the units and formations in their true names. It adds an international flavor to a game based on a historic event, that did effect the whole world! 
The only trouble with this is you have to remember to swap OOBs back for PBEM or send him yours. The reason I never bothered to rename my formations & understand Dons comment about keeping 2 going is that you have to redo for every patch to keep current. A half way house might be possible but depends on name lengths using abreviations at the end such as.
AT anti tank
RC Rifle company
RP Rifle platoon
RCT Truck Company
RPT Truck Platoon
RCM Mech Companny
SC Ski Co
PC Para Co
EC Elite Company
2C 2nd line of some type or CC Conscript com
Sc Scout or Rec for recon
TC TP TS Tank company Plat Sec
AC AP AS Armoured car same
TDC etc Tank destroyer
LTC Light tank
HTC Heavy tank
LM MM HM Light med heavy mortars
FG Field guns
OBL OBM OBH OBR offboard light med heavy rocket
etc etc.
This might be less work & satisfy both camps though some names may need to be shortened to accomadate but if stuck at end in caps using max of 3 letters people would soon pick up abreviations.
There would still be the odd thing that might need a second look but most would be straight forward. Yes as listed for example offboard arty would not know if its a battery or troop but you would know what it contains & name might well give rest away but you do have a good idea what units it contains.